I could easily afford three homes, groceries, four vacations a year, etc
So you’re a rich failson who’s never worked a real job. Thanks for clearing that up.
I could easily afford three homes, groceries, four vacations a year, etc
So you’re a rich failson who’s never worked a real job. Thanks for clearing that up.
Serial Killers are extreme outliers. For the vast, vast majority of crime systemic issues are the root cause.
Ok Google if you really want 30,000 dick pics, who am I to say no?
I played the Anthem beta and quite a bit at launch. Really enjoyed the game play but stalled out at the final difficulty tier in endgame. A combination of low drop chances and bad itemization made the progression ridiculously punishing at that point. And having only 3 dungeons, and useless open world content made the loop even less enjoyable.
Anthem could have been a great game if it had a little more content, had worried less about player retention and provided borderlands style loot quantities, and had tuned the items better (having 1%-400% ranges was bullshit, and that variability across the 4 different modifiers per item, with some modifiers being useless, like +ammo pickup vs +damage for example, made most drops useless. And most drops being useless made the low drop rates brutally aggravating.)
Also FOMO shops are dumb as hell and I’m convinced they generate less money. If you offer something cool that I’d want to buy, but I was at work so I missed out, now you don’t get my purchase, and I’m resentful. Just sell shit like normal.
Won’t you bend the lid and lose the ability to reseal it properly though?
One day I will get a consciousness transfer into a fancy robot girl body and then I will open all the jars.
Conservatives, famous for reining in the profiteering of corporations, banks, and landlords.
Granted you are correct about the liberals sucking insane ass. But I don’t think the solution is to once more flip back to conservative and then repeat this exact same thing but reversed in a decade. Both the cons and the libs have shown very clearly over the past decades thar they can’t govern properly.
Replace them with statues of John Brown
If you would be willing to sell the organs of your clones, it stands to reason that your clones would be willing to sell yours. I think you would likely be harvested first and then they would devolve into a game of organ harvesting Highlander as they all turned on each other.
One duodecillion would be enough I think. Then we would pick up the Earth and move it somewhere else. I hear the Pegasus galaxy is nice this time of year.
Are you telling me the world’s first “quadruple A” game isn’t very good? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you!
If you have no idea what you’re talking about why did you feel it was necessary to jump in and defend the killing of a child?
Why are they spending all this money to aquire studios and IP just to cancel them? Presumably they need to release products to get a return on their investment, so why are they just sitting on stuff?
Death to America
Damn that’s really good for ai. I just chalked the weirdness up to strange lighting and Florida being Florida.
Legendary image
Todd Howard has entered the chat.
Always has been