If I were a Republican, I’d be embarrassed. The foreign enemies of the US want the GOP to win every election. How can they see that and not feel shame over what they’ve become? They are the domestic mouthpieces of America’s enemies.
If I were a Republican, I’d be embarrassed. The foreign enemies of the US want the GOP to win every election. How can they see that and not feel shame over what they’ve become? They are the domestic mouthpieces of America’s enemies.
So conservatives rushed in with a steady stream of gifts and perks to make Thomas wealthy so he’d stay and continue rubber stamping anything sent his way. It’s disgustingly corrupt.
Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit.
Which is why the Satanists should prevail Ron.
Fuck them all. This episode highlights what an absolute sham SCOUTS has become. I’ve lost all trust in the courts. It’s just more political bullshit. There is no “justice,” just a bunch of religious assholes forcing the rest of us to follow their backwards ass rules.
Let’s also not forget Darth McConnell’s role in all of this. Straight up stole a supreme Court pick from Obama. This court is illegitimate.
So “both sides” because Biden believes Israel should be allowed to exist? 🙄
I hope that traitor Giuliani ends up broke and homeless.
Exactly. Also the current Russian logo (two headed chicken beast), looks like shit and doesn’t mean anything to the average American.
Why’s that?
You’re welcome
On that topic, it has been really strange watching the same group that used to have nothing but vitriol for the Soviets, suddenly in jump in bed with the Russians. A generation has passed is one factor, I suppose. Still, its an about face that still makes my head spin a bit. I have to attribute it to Russian influence campaigns and other underhanded corruption using power, money and influence.
You nailed it. I must have been 9 or so when that came out.
Yeah yeah. You’re right of course. I am an American child of the 80’s though which is why my mind uses the hammer and sickle still.
Also, Fuck Russia.
Edit: And, you try photoshoping that fucking eagle into a stencil format. Fuck that.
So Desantis is busing in voters. Lol.
“Let’s see, how can I make it even shittier…?” -Elon
America is not on the hook
But we are on the hook because we will absolutely have to deal with the consequences in the future. Not stopping Russia here, in Ukraine, will reverberate for decades.
And empty chairs for loyalists should they succeed.
Tuberville is a traitor. I wonder what position he’s been promised in the fourth reich?
If Desantis has taught us anything, it’s that he sucks at trying to manage insurance markets.
A strong argument to your point: Kissinger dies at 100. Frank Zappa, 52. I think there is no god but can’t rule out a.
Absolutely. When I saw the headline I thought the same thing. Bad actors will try to sew exactly that thought in liberal circles as long as Dems have the momentum.
We can’t buy into it and need to resolve ourselves to fight like hell until election day, regardless of what “the polls” or “the experts” say. We need to make Kamala win in an indisputable landslide. We need to send a message that will make Trump and his acolytes political pariahs from now on.