AI will analyse video of dirty bums and generate the exact pressure and aim required to get them clean.
AI will analyse video of dirty bums and generate the exact pressure and aim required to get them clean.
Or maybe that’s not a sin 😏
Can he just run as someone else’s VP and then the someone else abdicates or whatever? No messing with constitution required. Obviously requires a lot of trust though.
100% true. Note that I was responding to someone who called it quick and fun, so the lack of choices seemed like a relevant point there.
Monopoly has one great rule (or lack of specificity), that it doesn’t put any restricting on when you are able to trade (doesn’t even say it has to be your turn!). This creates a great ten minutes or so when most of the properties are bought and people are making interesting deals with each other.
Everything else in the game is bad because there are very few interesting decisions to make. The dice tell you where you go and the space you land on tells you what to do. Strictly you “decide” whether or not to buy an available property if you land on it, but it’s virtually always a good idea. In the rare auction case you can decide your bid. You can decide which order you mortgage off your properties if you are out of money. I think one of the chance/CC cards has a choice on it? Even buying houses is kind of dull since you have to build them evenly across the block.
Muscles could just be opening and closing the valve I guess?
I think the point is that the bladder is above where the pee comes out so gravity could be pulling it out of the body. Aiming upwards wouldn’t change this relationship because the pee is outside the body at that point. By being upside down the bladder is now below where the pee comes out and gravity would be keeping it in. By being able to pee upside down, he demonstrates that gravity is not a necessary component.
I think it can be demonstrated by aiming upwards with some extra pressure though. If gravity were the only thing pulling pee out, i wouldn’t be able to shoot over someone’s head for instance as the pee wouldn’t have enough kinetic energy. Thus gravity is not the only component.
In case you’re in this situation in future, you can use section breaks before and after the page and give the middle section a different header/footer. It’s still not great because you can’t (to my knowledge) tie the section before to the section after so now you have to change both the first and third sections any time you want to adjust the main header/footer.
I don’t have thumbnails set on my phone so I only ever saw the full image. That said, I looked at it without my glasses with my arm outstretched and I’m going to guess they saw either buttcrack or titcleft
No jesus was not a fuck baby, Mary probably was. Immaculate conception is not the same as virgin conception. Immaculate means God did not curse her for the sins of Adam and Eve (which God had previously done with everyone else), which is usually called “original sin”
This particular flavour of survivorship bias is also called the anthropic principle
In Ireland it’s Éire, while Iceland is An Íoslainn, so it doesn’t really work 😕
If we know the values of ln(-1)¹⁰ and pi¹⁰ we hypothetically could calculate their divided result as -1 instead of using strict logic, but it is missing a few steps. Moreover logs of negative numbers just end up with an imaginary component anyway so there isn’t really any progress to be made on that front. Typing ln(-1)¹⁰ into my scientific calculator just yields i¹⁰pi¹⁰, (I’m guessing stored rather than calculated? Maybe calculated with built in Euler) so the result of division is just i¹⁰ anyway and we’re back where we started.
Nope, everything they said is well established and correct
Truly it’s a hard game even if there were no cylons. Humans rarely win in my games. Alas, it’s out of print 😭. Its spiritual successor Unfathomable seems good as well, though I’ve only played it once
Then you discover the board game and it’s a whole new level of great
Tables if you want very specific layouts for lots of discrete items.
Linear housing, quadratic taxes
No thank you, I don’t want to imagine this please
Nah clearly it’s a truth table