and what do you personally use? which company is up to your high security standards?
because i read the same breaches with android powered phones, web browsers, windows… etc.
jup, hence why apple enforces 2FA to strengthen lax securities.
Thanks for the links! apparently apple seems to deal with breaches quite well, and at least in the firewall times article most of the Breaches were not on really caused by apple and they reacted anyways. Exceptions are the pegasus hack, but no software is secure, and the exploit got patched.
are there any recent cases? with recent i mean, not back when jennifer lawrence boobie pics leaked
straight to the hague.
Just to complete the trio, there is also Heroic, which is similiar to lutris but in my opinion a bit nicer to configure :)
So the advantages of bitcoin are, that it is a market based deflationary money?
Does she not see what happens with unregulated markets? They gravitate towards monopolies, which is why… we invented regulation and “corrupt officials”.
Also deflation is way way way more dangerous than inflation, simply because each actors amount of money will start to become more and more worth. This in turn will lead to lower tendencies to invest in new technologies/products and therefor kill progress.
Is he now powered by GPT-4o? 😂
Basically the same is happening to boomers, e. g. in Europe, too. Also ageism is happening here too. I don’t know, how much worse it is over on your part of the planet, but here you’re also not taken seriously when you’re young
Firefox Flatpak? :D
And it’s waiting to strike.
A big difference is, that Nearby share is prominently integrated into the share sheet :-/
You like
Ty, yeah. I could’ve checked the repo myself 😂
Badum tssss :D
Regular updates doesn’t mean, new features all the time. It mostly means security updates, which are important.
oh wow, thank you for
sudo !!
this is amazing :D