My landlord would get a fine from the city and it would be tacked on to my rent.
My landlord would get a fine from the city and it would be tacked on to my rent.
Why use more word when few do trick?
Last time I saw someone say that anglicized words should be spelled as they should be pronounced, they were downvoted and shamed for being a prescriptivist.
And is comprised entirely of no one I care to follow, awesome.
I got lucky working retail during COVID, never caught it AFAIK, but now I’m post organ transplant and therefore immunocompromised. I’m not so excited for the idiots to spread this shit around.
Hear that little guy??
Remember when Capernick did that one thing that wasn’t football while on camera? The moment do anything that isn’t football it becomes woke or DEI.
I realized very quickly after buying gummy vitamins that it was a bad idea for this exact reason. Made me was gummy candy really bad on a daily basis.
You mean, a bunch of twinks run around for an hour and score no points ball?
What does any of that have to do with your original point? Moving the goal posts to make sure you’re more morally correct?
Well, whats the difference in watching a football game vs playing a video game? I’m equally “distracted, pacified, and worried about the other thing with stakes.”
Right, so because things are bad right now, I should ignore anything that I enjoy?
Exactly, go to any conservative space and they’re just happy that the “libs are getting owned.”
But then you have to acknowledge the name change.
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn’t that fuck over a lot more places than the US?
It seems like the kind of game that sort of requires a lot of time to make it really click, but I wasn’t having fun within the first 2 hours, so it got refunded.
The very second prices come down on their own, with nothing Trump did affecting it, he and his cult will point and say “SEE?!”
Salsa is a tomato based fruit salad. (I don’t take credit for this, I read it somewhere)