While I do agree with what you’re saying, and it’s a way of reading it I hadn’t considered, I don’t think the distinction is clear from the meme. Then again, it’s just a meme, so my expectations can probably stand to be lowered a bit.
While I do agree with what you’re saying, and it’s a way of reading it I hadn’t considered, I don’t think the distinction is clear from the meme. Then again, it’s just a meme, so my expectations can probably stand to be lowered a bit.
This might be heresy, but I feel like saying that “science isn’t truth, it’s the search for truth”, and “if you disagree it’s not a disagreement, you’re just wrong” is internally inconsistent.
Ain’t nobody told you to hurt me like that… Right in the feels man…
It sounds to me like you are talking about what Steam is doing, with the geolocking and refunds (not fraud), while the other person is talking about what Sony is doing, with adding PSN requirements after the fact (maybe fraud?).
Things that lay the groundwork for future things are often surpassed by what they inspire (shrug)
Just watched it last week for the first time actually. Pretty good overall 👍
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, for mining, by doing what the meme says (I don’t know what “fossilized algae” refers to, but it makes the nitro not go boom, when it really wants to boom). After seeing what it was eventually used for (bombs. Lots and lots of bombs) he regretted ever making it. He set up the Nobel Peace Prize as a result, to try and even the scales a bit, so to speak
I just checked. The comment section of that video really is nothing but anti-Semitic comments, with a Kirby coat of paint. Enjoy, I guess? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2bEZQ00OOxY
Sorry, anime is “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End”, if you’re interested. Frieren is the elf.
Girl on the left is an elf from an anime. “Soon” for her may be… A decade or so? No time at all, really
Maybe they mean L2, the Lagrange point on the far side of the earth from the sun? It’ll never see any days, new or otherwise.
Couple things.
I think that only applies if you can make an argument that the two characters are distinct. Your Mickey/Steamboat Willie example is good because they are distinct (slightly different looks, and different names). Another good example is Sherlock Holmes. There was a big lawsuit where the current rights holders tried to argue that the later works are still under copyright just because Sherlock has emotions, and he didn’t in the earlier stories. I don’t remember how the suit turned out though.
Remarkably easy to read in her voice. 10/10
The Milky Way is spinning. It’s spinning wrong based on the stuff we see. So, scientists think there must be stuff we can’t see making it spin that way. Some scientists have drawn a picture of what it would look like if we could see the stuff.
Do both. Then the US is a spider. Or maybe a funky crab?
Saving this for later, as I want to hear responses as well.
For a minute I mixed up Gary Bowser and Doug Bowser, and was left wondering what beef the president of Nintendo of America could have with Nintendo as a whole :P
Honestly, about the closest you’re able to get is the original anime version for Trigun. Not explicitly Christian, but it seems to handle the themes around it pretty well (self-sacrifice to save others, and salvation even for the worst)
If I’m following the logic from the other guy, I think that it would be “Microsoft ecosystem”, not “XBox ecosystem”, since they’re removing the specific platform, and adding the company. Which I think works.