Activision Blizzard
I think the MSFT buyout eliminated their stake in ABK?
Activision Blizzard
I think the MSFT buyout eliminated their stake in ABK?
I hadn’t heard that either, but Google turns up a few articles like this. TL;DR, the reward money may be contingent upon a conviction - which could take time or even be subverted if the suspect is acquitted.
“Americans expect and deserve a president who prioritizes the nation’s well-being over personal gain,” she added.
“They will not tolerate a president who abuses the powers of his office to line his own pockets.”
Isn’t the President granted super-whatever clearance, through? I can just imagine Donny calling for some ridiculously secret files and just whipping out his phone to snap some pics of them “for a friend”. At this point, I’m not convinced anyone would actually stop him!
My company is currently forcibly migrating off of Slack to Teams. It’s so heartbreaking…
Not the original commenter but I’d wager similarly that yes, the vast majority of the American people are far too comfortable to venture into the “inconvenience” of an actual war. Gripe about it from our couches? Yep. Lift a finger to bring about actual change (and no, signing an online petition doesn’t count) in the face of real, actual, severe consequence? …nah.
As you do
How would a sham Supreme Court judge be removed? I know there was talk of impeaching them but… is that actually a thing?
Digital Cinema Package; basically the movie file you’re watching when you’re in a movie theater.
That’s some RFC 2549 logic, right there.
I really want to give him the entirely unwarranted benefit of the doubt that he’s saying it won’t matter in 4 years bc he won’t be running (making the assumption he’ll win this time and reach his term limit) but having watched the video I dunno, that “we’ll have it fixed by then” sounds reeeeaaally ominous.
You have the leave the fox with it.
Bottom line, there’s always a possibility a cloud/service provider could lose you data. That chance is (/should be) exponentially smaller on their environments however than the likelihood of your own local stores.
If you’re really serious about preserving your data, consider the 3-2-1 Backup Rule:
3 copies of your data 2 different types of media 1 copy stored off-site
Nothing replaces common sense, but I’ve been using ESET for years now and have been really happy. Just the AV mind you, none of the other security suite bs.
I’ve been on this train for a long time, but this election is really making me question that position. Personally, I think both the major party’s candidates are dismal at best so it feels terrible to consider voting for either - I don’t want to tell either party, “hey, I like your guy and your platform.” For literally decades, I’ve been of the option that is a party wants my vote then they need to present me with a platform and candidate that I agree with - regardless of what party that actually is.
The problem is, if I vote 3rd party this time around then my greatest hope would be to contribute towards some party finally reaching 5% of the vote in order to receive federal funding for the next presidential election - in 4 years. There’s zero hope that my 3rd-party vote is going to somehow result in a shocking 3rd party presidential election victory though, which means the winner is still going to be one of the two major party’s candidates. I don’t care about voting for the “winning team” or whatever, but I do get the distinct impression that one of the two major party’s candidates has a much higher disregard towards our form of government and could pose a more significant threat to our daily lives as a nation. Thus, for the first time ever I feel myself gravitating towards voting for the “lesser of two evils.” Don’t get me wrong, I think there’s a lot of things the Democrats get right on various party positions (and I think there might be a couple Republicans do, too?) so the “lesser of two evils” phrase isn’t meant to suggest both options are depraved - just that I don’t personally particularly align with either. I am definitely feeling like I have to choose a side though, lest a “greater evil” pull off a win and jeopardize our entire democracy.
Well c’mon, if they write a legit privacy bill it’s going to hurt their Stateside vectors. This way, they can tout “yay security!” while funneling more traffic to Instabookapp where they can still access it.
I read a while back that Bobby Kotick was trying to drum up investors for it.
I can’t imagine so, they’re only just now prepping the first pixel phone on their own in-house CPU (pixel 10) and development is underway for the following generation (pixel 11). To axe the line now would be crazy.