Wouldn’t it be great if the US started relocating it’s military bases to other states? I’m sure NM, MI or CA would be happy to have them.
Wouldn’t it be great if the US started relocating it’s military bases to other states? I’m sure NM, MI or CA would be happy to have them.
In other news, water is wet, grass is green and your government is not ‘for the people’
Found it, real paper, wrong journal. Horrible article by Newsweek. https://microbiomejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40168-023-01599-7
This feels oddly fake. No journal of that name, nothing on INRAE (the research institute claimed to have published this). AI generated news? I wouldn’t doubt it. I know that Chat-GPT is very good at making fake scientific summaries (complete with fake references using real names in the field) why not fake science news? Also, the vaccine is for the tick… Not for us to use against the tick. For the tick…
Love it. Keep going.
I would try this and say “I’m about to die” by accident and then spend five minutes explaining the mistake and five days thinking about it. No thanks,.
They don’t even do that at my workplace anymore:(
I didn’t see this one yet…