Now, now, Trump does have Musk. I’ve been told he’s the real life Tony Stark.
Can’t wait to see his solution to hydrate crops.
Former pro wrestler and porn star, looking for the smartest person in the world to solve dehydration in plants.
Now, now, Trump does have Musk. I’ve been told he’s the real life Tony Stark.
Can’t wait to see his solution to hydrate crops.
There’s actually a word for it:
There’s a word for it: Kakistocracy
His voice… Do something about his voice. I just fucking can’t take another 4 years of it.
For me, this paragraph sums it up:
_Several campaign officials had told me, throughout the spring and summer, how excited they were about working in the next Trump White House. Now those same people were telling me—as paperwork was being distributed internally to begin the process of placing personnel on the transition team and in the prospective administration—that they’d had a change of heart. The past three months had been the most unpleasant of their careers. Win or lose, they said, they were done with the chaos of Donald Trump—even if the nation was not. _
They had to be right next to Trump to realize how toxic he is. How voluntarily blind can you be?
They’re gonna save themselves (of course), but will they do anything to save the country from Trump? No, of course not, that would require a spine.
The whole God damn family is whack
I’m so disappointed :
Tim Burton’s Stale Hollywood Gothic: Bobbert says new Beetlejuice not nearly as erotic as the musical
Canadian here.
We got 2 of them for our kid. We didn’t have private insurance at the time. I think they were 50$ each. We thought THAT was expensive.
1000$…wow… And that stuff expires quickly too.
It sounds like something I’ve heard before…
Cambodia’s previous military and political leadership, middle-class professionals, businesspeople, intellectuals, ethnic and religious minorities
Republican 2024 vice presidential candidate JD Vance once said about his wife, Usha: “Obviously, she’s not a white person … But I just, I love Usha. She’s such a good mom.”
It’s only the beginning:
_By February 2025, the Biden administration will also unveil up to 15 more drugs that will be subject to the next round of price talks, with agreed-upon prices going into effect in 2027. Drugmakers will have until the end of that month to decide whether to participate in the program.
After that second round, CMS can negotiate prices for another 15 drugs that will go into effect in 2028. The number rises to 20 negotiated medications a year starting in 2029.
“Sometimes I think people get caught up in the fact that their drug isn’t on the list, but it will be on the list at some point in the future if they’re taking a drug that’s resulting in high costs,” Purvis said. _
I though it was Vientiane for a second. It isn’t : they don’t have tall buildings there.
Little story about Vientiane and cats: there’s a old lady that feeds the street cats twice a day, at 8 am and 5 pm. Like clockwork, about 20 cats show up 15 min before those times and just wait for her. It looks a lot like the picture, only with a lot more cats. Moral of the story: cats can precisely tell the time.
Ben non, je pense qu’on est au moins 3…
I looked up Last Thursdayism also, it did not disappoint :
if the world was created 6,000 years ago with the appearance of being made billions of years ago, what is there to stop us from claiming it was made Last Thursday?
The debate on whether Last Thursdayism is true has raged on ever since the creation of the universe last Thursday.
My point is that the lobbying doesn’t seem to stop the bribing.
You guys remember when Trump criticized Obama for playing too much golf?
You can’t have managed democracy without a few tiny orbital strike mishaps, everybody knows that.
Interesting article, thanks.
I am, however, having a very hard time attributing this level of planning and sophistication to a man who can barely put a coherent sentence together, or read more than one page of text. I can’t say I find his administration to be all that much better in those regards.
I’m leaning more towards total improvisation. But what do I know? I’m certainly not an economist.