Soon, let them stab themselves some more.
I make shitty jokes and say dumb shit.
Soon, let them stab themselves some more.
Shhh, you’ll make people notice that it’s local powers attacking our rights and not some evil foreign power of the week.
If people would interact with others as they would do face to face.
Man, I’d never say anything online if I did that.
I hate it, I’m quite ticklish and growing up my family thought it was fun to tickle me because I would always laugh loud and Wrigley around, that’s only because it didn’t feel nice like I assume other people feel, it hurt a bit to be tickled and when it’s getting done for long enough it makes you cry, yeah tickling can fuck right off, I’ll fight you now if you try.
Man, you got catfished by the Washington post haha.
At least we’ve moved on from killing them in the street.
Poor hitch-hiking bot.
Don’t you know you’re supposed to dissect every single frame of a movie, so you can point out all of the inaccuracies and vaguely relevant plot holes!
Then there’s the random company that uploaded an advertisement 8 years ago that keeps popping up.
Xitter is pronounced Shitter, like the Chinese president.
Nah can’t be him, because he’s been charged.
Pffft amateur…
Jar Jar Binks was a great character.
Youtube api: so I saw you watched a video on how to replace a smoke detector once, here’s all the videos about smoke detectors.
He’s just some Linus that we used to know.
Well come on in Jeffrey, there’s always room for you here!
This gives me vibes of the BP Sorry skit from South Park.
I usually just watch them when I’m baked, it’s a great show for stoner’s who want to watch people dick around with technology and get nothing out of it.
I’ve never used them as a legit review channel, just dumb entertainment, like the real housewives show.
Someone needs a cookie and a nap I see.
Where do I sign up for who’re mining?
I knew I was right to blame society for everything!