They will just repeat what Trump said with a shit-eating grin. There is no original thought going on there.
They will just repeat what Trump said with a shit-eating grin. There is no original thought going on there.
Define ethically sourced.
Lack of important features, no asset store, not as mature (more bugs), no native console support, no low-level rendering access, no texture streaming, and on and on.
Spot-on, this would be my bet too.
It is classic internet outrage complely disconnected from what smaller game devs have to go through. Don’t get in the way of a good internet outrage as a legit, actual gamedev who knows why this is damn near impossible, or you’ll get downvoted.
The whole argument of leaving Unity hinge on the fact that Godot is a close replacement, it is not.
Godot is fine for solo/very small indies and people trying to learn gamedev, but it is not ready quite yet. Most devs still are stuck using proprietary engines.
Context menu key is kinda essential for navigating without a mouse. I don’t use it all that often but I am very glad it is there.
It is crazy how Steam users seem to interact with the platform exclusively in bad faith. The reviews are filled with memes, joke reviews and drama. You will lose IQ points just by opening the forums. And of course, people troll the awards. Not that I would expect a mainstream gaming platform to attract geniuses, but Steam community is definitely bottom of the barrel.
Style over substance, and a ugly style at that. Of course lots of people are gonna love it and say it is the best thing ever.
I don’t think he’s a lawyer.
Yep! It is kind of funny too because petty insults is all they have, but they seem extremely sensible to them themselves. Trump has a nickname for virtually everyone, and they think it’s the best thing ever, but point out that he’s an insecure man wearing ungodly amount of makeup and they immediately get weirdly offended by it. “OrAnGe MaN bAd”. The funny thing is, as Trump would say, there is a lot of subject matter with his overall presentation, ironically.
Yep, it is mostly apparent in big companies I would say. I could go on and on, but basically your work is so disconnected from the final output that what end up actually “mattering” is a bunch of made-up bullshit. Putting in quality work and improving your product/service does not benefit most of the people you interact with directly, unless of course you’re working on the popular thing that will get people promoted.
Anyways, I also left the corporate world to start my own business. Life is so much easier when all you need to care about is the quality of your work and not political points. I like my hard work to rewards me, and not just some guy spending his days in meetings claiming credit for “his” “initiatives”. Some of those folks would never survive a job that isn’t a mega corp paying them to improv all day in meetings.
Ultimately they have to decide if he can hold an office, I’d argue this supercede any technicality about the election itself. At worst I guess this could be decided after he won, but this would break the country.
I knew someone like this, his entire universe was a collection of random lies, and he’d always adapt the story for maximum impact with different audiences. He got a high from it. He lived for that feeling of manipulating people. So unfortunately in my experience, even though he was miserable without the lies, sewing the web of lies was a high point in his life. Normal people would feel sick to their stomachs lying so much, but psychos lack this reaction.
You’re right. To add onto that it was Ivana who said he kept this book near his bed, it always been pretty credible.
I get that a lot when I put butter on my pizza crust, I mean it is bread?
You would think all those AAA devs would know by now that voicing that kind of stuff publicly is shit PR. Strangely enough sometime the indies appear to be the professional one.
That being said, I read the 5 Tweets, which I doubt many here did, and it is really not that bad. It is probably in response to some reviewers calling the game thrash with made-up fanfiction how game development goes. I think it is the later he has an issue with. Not that some players dislike the game.
Calling out your customers is always a losing bet. But he’s absolutely right in its rant. Anyone who worked professionally in a game studio understand that the very vast majority of gamers are clueless, and especially those who speak with authority on YouTube and big platforms. Listening to such bs takes and misinformation over time certainly has its toll. “Gamers” in general, or should I say vocal gamers, are a very annoying and whiny bunch to please. You can hate playing a game all you want, but some gamers take it too far by attacking the devs directly and making it personal on top of making up bullshit about the nature of the job. “Gamedev is hard” is a terrible response to tell your userbase, but if more people understood how fucking true it is maybe they’d have a bit more empathy and would realize how petty some of the complaints.are in the bigger scheme of things.
Whatever social economic model which can funnel power and authority to the very top is bond to ruin us. Humans are too greedy to sit at the top of such hierarchies.
Progressive on social issues, regressive/conservative on a lot of economic issues. Neoliberalism is back 19th century style.