You should see some of the first iterations of this rig. Scary stuff
Various Ramblings About Polestar, Tesla, EVs, Sim Racing, and Other Tech-Related Things
You should see some of the first iterations of this rig. Scary stuff
You’re not wrong! Just a proof of concept that ended up working pretty well
its also unfortunate when you mistype it thurstmaster…
Nothing to see here, just a simracing company
If only their UI wasn’t so trash I’d only ever use weather.gov
ATM beeper Facebook bridge works fine. Use it daily. I’d prefer to self host beeper/matrix/bridges but haven’t had time to set it up and got an invite to beeper a few weeks ago.
I just posted a similar response but I think the issue, at least for me, is how deep into the weeds I get with each subject. Anyone can be into coffee for example, but it’s the ones who do the research and watch the videos about the subject in their free time, that make a simple thing such as coffee become more of an obscure thing. 🤷♂️
Seems like every hobby is too obscure for most to care at the level I do. Sim racing, rtlsdr, self hosting, ANY kind of motorsports, home automation, blogging, DND, video games… At the surface these are not too obscure but I find very few people in my day to day life that care about them in detailed way
Wow that’s really neat. I’ll check it out then. Cheers
Divinity original sin 2 id assume. Great game as well by Larian.
Does it though? Not seeing anything about it
Yep. I didn’t choose to have rgb in my current build, but it’s also very simple to turn them off. Whereas 15 years ago I remember pulling the blindingly bright blue LED from the chassis fans just to be able to have my room dark. Lol
Another reason to like Larian. Plus they even called them out which is neat imo.
Torrent galaxy rune release. However not seeing any issues? Malwarebytes scans coming up clean. No integritycheck folder in app data. No hidden process running when game running. 🤷♂️?
I haven’t seen anything. My biggest issue with Rocksmith 2014 was I learned guitar reading tabs and could never follow RS as well as auto scrolling tabs.
I know Rocksmith+ has a tab layout that I tried in beta that worked pretty well. Won’t pay a subscription for it though.
I spent some time experimenting with Sync today, but I found that I prefer using Connect for Lemmy. While I appreciate the cleaness of Sync, I don’t enjoy seeing ads when there are alternative options available that are ad-free. As well as Connect handling hidden posts better. I may switch between the two services depending on my needs, but I’m more comfortable with Connect for now.
Nice. Got it installed and walking through settings. Seems nice so far. Not sure about ultra pricing though…
Beeper.com ? They have a selfhosted option. I’m using the non-self hosted as of today and it’s been pretty great. Mainly sms bridge and discord bridge are what I have been using.
I’ve gotten the automatic1111 Photoshop plugin to work pretty well.
You mean my top of the line Gawfolk monitor? Lmfao