Because I am an idiot and it is actually [email protected]
Because I am an idiot and it is actually [email protected]
[email protected] seems kind of relevant. I do not mod it for transparency.
As much as I like seeing bad ginormous corporate sites burn I am very glad you are not having that in the community, I nigh-on guarantee the negativity that would generate and the outrage would outshout any constructive post about building something. Destruction and watching the world burn is easier than building something nice in its place.
I get this is about mainstream social media and the Fediverse is not mainstream, but I still find it funny to have a community titled “antisocialmedia” on… well… social media.
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This kicks me to lemmy.world. Let me try a different link.
Injury is a lot easier to risk if you won’t be charged more than your entire net worth for treatment. If you haven’t experienced the misery of medical debt, and know how others live with it, it’s absolutely terrifying to think about having to live with, all because you tried to do something good.
I like to try to help others but I am selfish enough to admit I’d never run myself into debt or risk my life for someone else. I always respect those willing to do what I’m not.
I buy groceries without checking a review, try local activities without checking reviews, etc.—I’m not exactly paralyzed. But something that costs a decent chunk of money I am absolutely checking a review and I don’t think that is wrong to do. The trouble with checking reviews nowadays is how easy they are to fake, how easy it is to get a genuine negative review deleted on certain sites, how a person who has it out for a small business owner can flood them with untrue negative reviews, how often they are gamed in some way such that it does not reflect the true quality of the thing…
Conversations with strangers… I’ll be honest that’s a hard one because I’m not good at social cues and I don’t want to think I’m having a nice conversation when the other half is composing a OH MY GOD STUPID FUCKING EXTROVERTS THE WORLD HATES INTROVERTS CAN’T THEY TELL I DON’T WANT TO TALK story in their head about me (being extroverted and having autism where you suck at social cues and know you suck at social cues is not a fun combination). I learned this behavior after seeing people express annoyance about strangers talking to them. Some things are obvious, like if you’re occupied with a book, but nowadays who isn’t occupied on their phone? I have had plenty of situations where I was on my phone but would have loved if someone started conversation with me—but I might be an anomaly so I just keep following the social rule of “occupied = don’t talk”. If I’m in a space where I think someone is open to socialization I am much more likely to initiate conversation—like a party or something. I’m not afraid of “sorry, not interested,” but I am afraid of “yeah I’m cool with you” (actually no I’m not but I’ll never tell you I have a problem with you until I blow up about it 6 months later).
I like quick and easy access to 911 or a locksmith’s number in case I leave the house and lock myself out and cannot find the spare key but there are other reasons I leave the house with a phone than risk aversion/insurance for screwups I have committed before—for directions, or because it’s nice to have a thing that staves away boredom if I know I’ll probably be sitting in a line for 30 minutes, or because I have a digital wallet on there that is easier to carry around than my real wallet…
The issue with those metrics is how many other things can motivate those behaviors besides being scared of everything, or factors that make what might be an unreasonable fear for most people actually reasonable for you (for example, a phobia of bees suddenly becomes a lot more reasonable if you are deathly allergic, live near them, and aren’t good at recognizing their hives/are accident-prone), but I do get the core of what you are saying. A generation who is more anxious about basic everyday things, which is definitely not good.
Although with checking reviews specifically, I’d argue that given how many times companies lower quality, change stuff, pull the rug out from under you in the name of profit, people have more and more cause to try to verify they are getting something decent when they would not have done so in the past. The more you hear of people getting screwed over, naturally the more you’ll check to make sure you are not getting screwed too. This increased risk aversion is entirely rational in my opinion.
I just want people to be happy and to not get exploited. As far as I know, people have been exploited under both capitalism and communism. I am not sure if it’s inherent to either economic structure, if there are safe guardrails you can put on either to make them not harmful, if it’s not inherent to the economic structure and what matters is also what other government type is happening alongside that economic structure, etc. Something that really doesn’t help is that often, if you grow up with one structure, you’re also taught the other one is a virus of evil that no good human being would ever support. Well, maybe a misguided one, but nobody good and smart who thinks for themselves.
It would be nice to see a civil discussion with people actually trying to figure out which one is best and least harmful, because as an outsider looking in all I see is
“capitalism is the problem”
“no it’s not, also you’re not a free thinker”
Is everyone coming in here with some prior knowledge I don’t have? Is there somewhere where people have tried to have this civil discussion that I could look at where it stayed civil?
I do think one thing I can certainly say is that there are people who lived under communism who worked hard and tried their best and still suffered in poverty under it and wanted out. And there are people who lived under capitalism who worked hard and tried their best and still suffered in poverty under it and wanted out.
I’ll be honest, I really do not like how we’re getting hammered for our risk-aversion.
“Don’t do [risky behavior with bad consequences], otherwise [bad thing will happen]! And don’t give into peer pressure telling you you have to do [bad thing]!” is what I was taught in school and by my parents.
I listened instead of rebelling. This made sense to me, and besides a lot of the risky behaviors held no appeal for me anyways.
I’ll keep living this way, thanks.
If they are talking about more calculated risks that we kind of need people to take, like people starting small businesses, I feel like people will always be taking that kind of risk. If they are talking about just “basic safety” risks like people not wearing seatbelts in cars, driving drunk, it’s good that that kind of risk is becoming unpopular. Whatever part of society is dependent on us taking that kind of risk can adapt or die. And if they are sad about lifestyle type risky behavior, neither good nor bad, stuff like bungee-jumping off cliffs, I have no words for older generations believing living a quiet, straight-edge life is a problem and wanting us to change that.
I can’t help you with the political side because as long as the place is LGBTQ±friendly and anti-bigotry I tend not to care, and I try to avoid overtly political spaces online for my own peace of mind. But as an LGBTQ+ agnostic who was raised with a religious background, I can tell you some places I found on Reddit. I know it’s kind of sacrilege to direct people there, especially on the Fediverse where a lot of us left Reddit for here, but I figure looking for people who will accept you instead of tossing vitriol your way takes priority here, just like I would not begrudge anyone who relies on r/stopdrinking for staying.
No idea what your religion is, this reflects my own background, so sorry in advance if it is not useful, but at least you’ll know you are not alone.
r/QueerTheology, r/OpenChristian and a ton of the Related Subreddits on their sidebar. I remember r/OpenCatholic, r/GayChristians. If you click around on the sidebars of these I think they can also help you find related places for other religions and being LGBTQ+. I swear there was a subreddit for leftist Christians but I don’t remember the name anymore. It might have died in the API drama or not.
Although as far as I know you might want to know that this is a place for promoting a new community, not searching for one. Not actually sure where you are supposed to go to search for one, though…
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I was literally typing a reply about how it still is useful to onlookers and how I have had my mind changed as a third party witness to online arguments before, and then I saw this. Thanks for doing that!
That’s how I felt about Kbin way back when. I hope PieFed grows and works out!
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https://fanaticus.social is a whole sports instance, and the instance as a whole definitely passes the “at least a post per week” requirement
Yep, definitely not new, but in the past I have seen people promote not-new communities that nonetheless are tiny and have not been posted here before so I figured it was okay. If you’re concerned this sub is losing its purpose you might want to message the mod about changing the rules or something. I do not mind seeing old communities here but my opinion is not the only one that matters, and [email protected] does exist even if it gets far less traffic.
Ooh a PieFed community! Wonder how that’ll play with Mbin and Lemmy. Followed. Hope this along with the more mainstream textile hobby communities convince me to actually engage in my textile hobbies more often.
I appreciate that the sidebar manages to explain what this is for people out of the loop without linking to Reddit.