That sounds concerning… are you alright?
Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.
Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.
Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62
That sounds concerning… are you alright?
The cheetah and the puma/cougar are way more closely related to domestic cats than they are to the big cats of the panthera family (the roaring big cats).
They migt be tall cats, but they are no big cats.
Upset? No. More like a little uncomfortable. Partly because I’m an idealist who always hopes for the best and most moral and peaceful solutions. Partly because it makes me uncomfortable how little I am angered by this. Sure I absolutely do not want proles to go and kill the bourgeoisie… but I guess it’s not… I don’t feel the need to condemn this. Sometimes things are just… shrug
But it’s really just a little uncomfortable, like a sock not quite fitting my foot.
I am far FAR more uncomfortable with someone calling this the good but small beginning of an overdue purge.
The few precious moments of shared class consciousness.
Covered doctors and specialists… out of network… people on Reddit kept telling me my socialised universal multi-payer healthcare by statutory health insurance, would mean I could not see the doctor I wanted and would wait forever for services. And sure, for everything that’s not immediately necessary I do wait some time. But for all things acute I can go to any general practitioner who will either provide immediate help or forward me to a specialist for immediate help. No matter where in my country I am, no matter which hospital, GP or specialist I go to, everything important is covered. And I pay less per month for it than Americans do.
They said Half-Bros, so likely just dad still got swimmers
General Dragqueen 🫡
You saw them fall into the ravine, but did you see the body? HAS ANYONE SEEN THE BODY?
His american colleagues sometimes poke fun at my cousins branch for only working 35 hours a week, taking long vacations and having lots of state mandated holidays throughout the year. When they hire someone new they sometimes comment on how lazy the german colleagues are…
Then they point them towards the numbers and the fact that the german branch is constantly setting the productivity records. They’ve been outperforming the americans by more than 10% for years.
I’d be shocked if Trump is even president/alive still when America goes full mask-off fascist.
That’s not necessarily my position. I mean yeah, chances are good you’re right, but while things will escalate slowly at first, they’ll ramp up over time. The more their power is secure, the more americans segregate into a few (but populous) blue states and many (but empty) red states, the more the senate will gain power, the more positions in the bureaucracy, executive and judiciary they have secured, the bigger their overstepping is going to be and the faster shit’ll escalate.
And it’ll feel overwhelming and like too much happening at once the whole time. They’ll drain resistance by basically DDOSing the system, too many things to take care of, too many garbage fires at once and all the time the media is going to jump from one new development to the next, never following up on things, never allowing for a breather.
Man it’s going to be so much shit to shovel… and we’ll have elections in Germany too soon with a likely right wing government of Trump fans getting elected. I just want to cry.
Honestly, that would be one of the few ways I can see out of this mess. Because this… this would evoke resistance, this would evoke outrage and I think they’re not going to give us that just yet. They’re going to cook us slowly.
Fascism isn’t digging it’s claws into the West “Beerhall Putsch”-style, it’s going to be “Prussia contra Reich”-style.
The ruling basically tolerated a breach of the constitution because the court shied away from accusing the President of a breach of the constitution. (Translated from german Wikipedia “Preußen contra Reich”)
It’s not going to be ethnic cleansing right now, it’s not going to be bread lines just now. But the fascist takeover is already happening and has been happening for quite some time and it looks like this: The quiet abolition of checks and balances through the courts and the continuous erosion of legal barriers to a party-dictatorship. It’s about gerrymandering, right to vote, about free press, free speech and multiple media conglomerates worth of disinformation.
The next four years will be one legal battle after another and one (relatively small) overstepping of a boundary after another. It’s not gonna start with the military in inner cities, it’s going to start with more immunities for police, with the eradication of resistance in the executive branch. New generals, new bureaucrats, new judges… if you want to know what Trumps takeover will look like… look to Hungary and Turkey, Trump and the entire GOP have already praised Orban and Erdogan as strong leaders and models for this new term.
Honestly I think hyperbole could be dangerous! If we now tell everyone to expect the goose-stepping, they will say “see, the bad things you predict don’t happen!” While completely ignoring the continuous erosion of the democratic ability to resist them through the system.
Thank you!
Dear writers, if you need stupid characters, don’t make them scientists acting stupid in their own field of expertise!
If you need your charachters to be scientists, don’t make them act stupid in their own field of expertise!
You can always have the geologist touch alien biology with bare hands or have the biologist get lost in the cave, but not the other way around!! (I mean you still shouldn’t, they are scientists after all, but it’s the easier pill to swallow)
This entire movie was a big pile of garbage and demystifying the xenomorphs did not help the franchise at all. The numbers for covenant weren’t bad (just) because covenant was bad, they were bad because prometheus completely killed any drive to sit through a sequel.
Hollywood needs to stop killing franchises with horrible writing, don’t buy and kill a franchise for quick profit, improve it, expand it. Invest in good writing and less people will notice the audacious lack of creativity in creating something new.
What’s more well known around the world, Wacken or Rammstein? Because Wacken is smaller than Ramstein and would be the better answer but my guess is that Rammstein are more known.
Ramstein, population ~5600
Famous for the Ramstein Air base, the bombing of the air base, the Ramstein air show disaster and the band named after all of that.
His only regret is that he doesn’t know where to deport the natives to.
Trump survives assassination: “God wants him to live!”
Trump dies in assassination: “Satan sent his demons to kill his foe!”
Isn’t it great how their believes always tell them they are right and good and others are wrong and evil?
That has actually been tested!
Big cats notice the laserpointer but they don’t really chase it. Most likely because they don’t hunt insects and small rodents.
I keep being surprised how people can say that. “He is no Hitler, he did not kill 6 million Jews!”
Hitler got into power in 1933, the first massacre on Jewish people happened six years later in 1939, the industrialized and systemic killing of KZ-inmates did not start until 1941.
People don’t compare him to Hitler because they believe he already killed 6 million Jews, they compare him to Hitler because of the clear parallels between 1932, maybe 1933 Hitler and Trump, as well as the parallels between the fascist MAGA cult groups and the various extremist groups of the NSDAP.
People aren’t (just) afraid of Trump because of what he did, but of what he might do, if he keeps following those parallels.
It’s not (mainly) a condemnation of his past and present but a warning to heed BEFORE even the people saying “He’s not killed 6 million people.” can no longer say that.
Virgin births exist in nature. There are entire species of lizards that are only composed of females, for example the mourning gecko lepidodactylus lugubris only reproduces via virgin birth.
Due to how parthogenesis works, individuals born through virgin births are always clones of the mother. Thus they are all females.
If (big if) Jesus existed and IF (even bigger if) he was conceived through a virgin birth, he therefore must have been biologically female since there were no male chromosomes involved in his conception. Hence, Jesus sex must have been female but his gender was male (he/him pronouns)… ergo he was a trans man.
If Jesus existed and was a biological male, he could not have been conceived through a virgin birth, the best explanation then is that either a) Mary had sex with Joseph, but then why the virgin birth story? Or b) Mary was an adulterer who concocted the “virgin birth” story to hide her adultery from Joseph.
Since explanation a) falls flat on it’s face, we are left with either 1) trans man or 2) Mary the adulterer.
Edit: correcting spelling mistakes