feels like the rubicon was crossed several news cycles ago, we’re in the imperial stage
feels like the rubicon was crossed several news cycles ago, we’re in the imperial stage
I’m going to produce a song called “sudo yum install nano” so the playlist can be complete
Leave him, no one notices us until shit goes down.
Highly recommend Tripplite
I got me one of these used (with good batteries) for $100
They have an external connector in the back for adding external batteries and the menu to do so is analog.
I added a golf cart battery to mine tripping the capacity for very very cheap.
Look in the used market.
If you want something better, Eaton is the go to, look for used deals in marketplace / craigslist. I found someone selling Used industrial Eaton UPSs with extended batteries for 150$ the set
They have some demos on their website
Marie and Pierre Courie
is anyone asking for this???
Now do Thevenins theorem
Motherboards are all about I/O and connectivity.
Personally, I do the exact same thing (I’m still Running an MSI B350M with a 5900X) but I can understand people that pay a couple hundred bucks to have extra ports / slots or built in wifi or whatever …
$1000 for a motherboard tho … that’s ridiculous. What could possibly be worth 1000$?
somwhere I belong … in my ass
what about built in multipoint?
That’s Chief Grady Judd from Polk County … look him up on the tikky tokk … he’s a real piece of work.
Where else but Florida?
I’m still trying to find out why his ass is white
for the confused ones
network operations center engineer here … what is sleep? what is time off? you mean you guys clock off?
all I know are outage calls, bridges and overtime
soooo, what are we calling this one?
Quick share chain? quickchain?
The hero we don’t deserve
If you realy want to delete your data, try a client like redact.dev that batch overwrites all your posts and pictures.