It’s important to me that when someone makes a big claim they back it up. The challenge is that the article doesn’t say what was claimed.
I didn’t make the claim therefore nothing for me to back up.
“Too much effort to go look for it”
See how I give a source and a relevant quote?
Still being lazy I see
“I’m not lying, I’m lazy”
Why didn’t you quote the part where they are discussing restricting it?
Yes, blame the minorities, let the hate flow through you.
You call the other person a name
You don’t respond to anything they say directly
You do it twice in the same thread
You call something context without providing context
I’m gonna hold the politicians that lied to progress their career, the pundits that argued in bad faith, the clergy that put their faith aside for their political agenda, the people that sought to hide history instead of teaching it, those that worked hard to dehumanize those they disagree with, the leaders that opted for violence as a way to garner support, and I’m sure others, as responsible also.
I’m a Mets fan.
This tension is gonna kill me! :)
You can’t just ask somebody why they’re scene.
Ooo, an example of the bad faith you dislike so much.
Do you have a link to where the news outlets published them?
We don’t know that. There seems to be the possibility that there was another person with the same name that did the donation, so at the least it isn’t confirmed yet.
Are entomologists known for withholding information from their SO?
I’m not seeing a single thing that indicates the person you’re replying to is an asshole or a dipshit.
Your comment though…
That’s what we thought until it turned out that Elmo was the real predator all along.
May Prawn, Shrimp and Holy Crawfish bless you