Our company is across the street from a heritage railway. They operate a steam locomotive railway with a museum at the other end.
We went on a company trip this summer. Which meant we took the railway to the other end. This being something that I was looking forward to doing myself.
But instead of actually, you know, seeing the museum, we went to a terrible restaurant. Where my boss proceeded to drink nine glasses of wine at 2 in the afternoon. While we collectively ate one of the worst meals I’ve had.
Afterwards, he felt so bad about the trip that he offered me another ticket so I could actually visit the museum on my own time :D
It is; they’ve got an awesome collection of steam locomotives and matching rolling stock. They also do a lot of restoration work.
Here’s actually a shot from the railroad crossing at the end of our street. And yes, the locomotive is ‘backwards’ in this configuration, as it can equally pull in both directions. Makes it a lot easier that they don’t need to turn the locomotive itself around at either end.