Is there an actual reason behind it?
I heared it is that way so you dont see the dirt on the chairs
Is there an actual reason behind it?
I heared it is that way so you dont see the dirt on the chairs
Now THIS is truely based
No no you are right
I have never used this bixbi AI
Nah. He isnt edited ;)
All nazis are! Why else would you slobber over a beautiful masculine man!
Lmao i got banned for less Saying “one should burn the entire train management system down and rebuilding it a new” One thinks reddit mods are worse, reddit admins are even worse
Naaawwww :( I wanted to be locked up with fellow enbys. Would be a RIOT in prison.
Oh im bearing loads owo
A whole gay jail? Sign me up!
Yeah my SPY is down as well. Buuut idc. As long as its still a thing in 30 years uwu
People: definition in america: Anyone who has south or mid english ancestrys and holds land + has an income of high income
It somehow suprises me but also not really thinking how traditionalist they are
He’s proven it when his casinos wentbankrupt
Ironic - Palpatine
Im so glad im no longer on there
You dont. Thats why you write comments!