Oh. Trump had someone photoshop something.
I thought Trump was referring the ketchup stains that he leaves everywhere from throwing plates when he’s cranky.
Oh. Trump had someone photoshop something.
I thought Trump was referring the ketchup stains that he leaves everywhere from throwing plates when he’s cranky.
Let’s give this a more reasonable title: “Stephen Miller Launches Advertising Campaign / Fundraiser Using Meritless Lawsuit”
Good news: here in Newport, WA, our hospital has re-opened the birthing center, and a second clinic is under construction. I assume a lot of the patients that we’ll get will be from Idaho’s Boundary and Bonner counties.
The real question is, why is a supposed billionaire begging for donations?
The man lies about everything, everywhere, all at once.
Now I’m off to the supermarket to get celebratory ice cream for the latest round of indictments that dropped today.
Speaking as a resident in her district, Cathy is a sock puppet for her donors. She’s been well paid and will spout the script that her owners/lobbyists have provided for her. I’d be surprised if Cathy has personally filled up a gas tank in the last 10 years. She’s a reliable tool for the billionaires.
Fuck her, in the neck, with a spork.
First, Leo is right to be scared. Anyone who subverts democracy so flagrantly is going to anger people. Angry people can get violent.
Second, why they hell haven’t democracy-loving Americans stomped Leo into exile?
Maybe she has no other achievements in her life?
GOP is a party of principles, and the first principle is that GOP candidates can’t have more than 2 pending criminal cases against them.
Anything else is just communism.
Only a crap president loses their re-election. Nixon won his re-election in a landslide. Even W won his re-election. Trump, well, he grabs failure by the pussy.
Putin is distracted. Much cheaper, should it come to that, to pay one of the Trump fail-children to smother daddy with a pillow.
It’s an epic rap beef between two no talent no-names for attention.
I wish the mouthpieces of rich assholes, like these tools from NNU, would support teaching factual history. It’s nice that a Scotsman from the 1770s thinks parents need to pay for school or else they won’t care about educating their kids. I don’t find Smith’s opinions binding, or particularly actionable in 2023.
When I went through Idaho public schools, our history class never mentioned the fighting and midnight flight of the Idaho state capital from Lewiston to Boise in the 1860s. No mention was made of the Army called out to illegally imprison hundreds of miners in the 1890s to help break the many strikes. No mention was made of the mining union, or the IWW, organizing thousands of Idahoans for fair wages and treatment. No mention was made of former governor Stuenenberg being blown up with a bomb in his mailbox in 1905.
The monied interests have been corrupting politics, exploiting workers, rewriting history, and lining their pockets in Idaho as long as there have been monied interests. They continue to do so today, as witnessed by these 3rd tier Chicago-school pudknockers from Nampa.
The monied interests are still here, fucking over the Idaho political and education systems. It’s no wonder that 2/3 of the U of Idaho students leave the state after graduation.
Ron can’t pull off “night of the long knives”; instead, he presents “midmorning of a short dick”.
He got his ass kicked in the jail where he was being held. So now the wanna be assassin is in isolation. Yum - nutraloaf.
Next up, Trump will challenge that Willis cheated on a junior high math test and therefore the grand jury report is invalid.
“successful” debaters win a second term.
Trying to keep it PG…
The congresspukes who bitch the loudest about the military are cowards who never set foot in a MEPS station themselves.
I’m not saying that you have to have served to have a valid opinion, but I am saying that this guy is talking out his ass.
Y’all should read the article. The issue is that a professor who studies digital media can’t search TikTok, and can’t have her grad students search videos on TikTok. This ends her research because TikTok is where people post videos.
Sarcasm aside, it’s unprecedented (and/or unpresidential) for one clown to be charged in criminal proceedings in four different venues and not be held in jail.
The man has multiple passports and owns a private jet. It’s fair to say he’s a flight risk.