I love this video. The escalating insanity is wonderful. I once got the Harder Drives music stuck in my head for about 2 days straight.
I love this video. The escalating insanity is wonderful. I once got the Harder Drives music stuck in my head for about 2 days straight.
Immediately thought of this image.
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/devildjmachine/art/Deus-Ex-Human-Revolutions-Adam-Jensen-276354548
It crashed into a missile that was just looking at a cathedral.
If it’s working correctly, it should be as simple as accessing (internal ip) : (port) at (external ip) : (port).
There are a bunch of things that might be going wrong if it’s not working. Unfortunately, I don’t have the skills to help you diagnose the issue!
Happy to help!
Not quite middle class people, but otherwise correct:
In 1900, there were fewer than 3,000 cars on the roads of France. To increase the demand for cars and, accordingly, car tyres, car tyre manufacturers and brothers Édouard and André Michelin published a guide for French motorists, the Michelin Guide.
He’s already said he’s retiring about three times. Then finds something he likes the look of and he’s back. I mean, if he says it after every film, he might eventually be right!