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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Tim Poole is so inconsistent with his own opinions that he regularly contradicts himself within the same thought. It’s incredibly cringe inducing and wildly frustrating to even hate listen to his show. He also does some really blaringly racist cherry picking for topics and constantly pushes the “crime is out of control” narrative with only anecdotal evidence. I utterly hate his show and wish he would actually face some repercussions for his Russian payoff (he won’t but I wish he would).

  • Also, unless your plan is to exclusively export to the US, then it’s less cost effective to open up new facilities in the US. You just raise prices and and have the consumers take the hit for the tariff. There’s also the problem of logistics for raw materials for whatever products your manufacturing. Those also tend to cost more to acquire stateside.

    The worst part is that policy is only a single bullet in the policy foot gun Trump has loaded. It gets even more expensive when the low cost labor is suddenly deported and/or put in camps. Which I realize isn’t even the worst thing about the immigration policy, but just pointing out that it too has consequences to these same people.