I would totally buy that and have every intention of eating it, but wouldn’t ever seem to “get around to it”, yet I also wouldn’t really be able to account for what I was doing to prevent me from “getting around to it”.
When something like a hat may actually cost you an arm and a leg.
Preferred search engine?
Using the website from outside of the US shows it with its proper name, but then the asshat version in parentheses.
It’s a waypoint. As you move around, so will the waypoint.
Go to the waypoint to begin your next mission.
I’d say I go to see a movie in an actual movie theater once a year, but the truth is I probably go half as often as that.
It isn’t that I am not interested in movies, I just don’t see the value. I am supposed to pay for a ticket, concessions, and whatever goes into travel to the theater to watch a movie with a bunch of (probably annoying) strangers in a fairly gross environment?
My guess is my annual box office contribution is approximately 0.5x the current ticket price.
If, however, there was a $20/month subscription service which would let me watch new releases at home, I would subscribe.
Even if it was relegated to expensive hardware, like an Apple Vision Pro, I would very likely buy the device and sign up for the subscription.
$240/year would be a hell of a lot more revenue than my current $5.50/year—regardless of whether or not it would be exclusive to certain hardware or platforms.
Honestly, my current TV and sound system may not be as impressive as a theater, but they are good and I’d take that experience over the modified bus depot experience of a public movie theater.
Part of their service is to allow sellers to suppress higher discount codes from appearing in the honey service. That just flat-out contradicts what they tell consumers to convince them to download the extension.
I was expecting Honey to offer the smaller discount codes to the consumer, then apply the higher (hidden) discount count code to the seller and pocket the difference.
In some ways, it almost seems like what they are doing is worse than that—just playing both sides for their own gain.
I’m interested in what comes in part 2.
It does look like that frog from that one Simpsons episode.
Went ahead and watched the entire show—it was a really entertaining performance.
This revolution needs to get real French, real fast…
He’s like an X-Men hero designed to find Ant-Man when he gets stuck between couch cushions or something.
Eating? No, of course not.
Look at this as the bat-world’s equivalent of that that Piper Perri meme.
Jeeze, I dunno…doesn’t look all that weird to me.
Looks a bit like Deadpool with a wig: