Reddit makes something like a dollar fifty per user, per year. They’re not actually making a huge amount of money off their user base.
Reddit makes something like a dollar fifty per user, per year. They’re not actually making a huge amount of money off their user base.
I think the actual story here is more interesting than the joke, to be honest. Where did this happen?
From my understanding, the movie is pretty close to what actually happened.
Speed limits are more like suggestions in the states anyway, this is just taking it to it’s logical extreme.
Kinda the point, isn’t it?
It must be interesting being one of Disney’s senior executives, and being married to one of the striking actors.
Are you sure about that second one?
Yeah, because we don’t particularly fancy being lectured by teenagers on the Internet.
Except when I am right, I’m not going to stop arguing just because you don’t want to change your mind.
This reminds me of my ex. Good times.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C Clarke.
Yeah, this basically sums up my experience as well. There’s a real “I’m right, you’re wrong, and we’re going to keep at this until you agree with me” approach that some people have.
Yes, very conclusive. Much evidence.
You know, there’s only one side to this conflict that has a written policy to exterminate the other.
I massacred an entire music festival.
Oh wait, that was the other guys.
Fair enough, I don’t get why paying for just YouTube isn’t an option.
I’ve been paying for Premium for quite a long time, it’s good value if you use both Music and YouTube.
Or, you could complain on the Internet.
No, but having a handful of people who will never see their ads devalues the whole package.
If it’s a community you’re passionate about, I don’t see the issue myself.