Is this based on a gov ID? I didn’t see that in the article.
Is this based on a gov ID? I didn’t see that in the article.
The only reason it would be remotely acceptable is to drive the cost per unit down because the rest of the hardware is expensive, but even then it isnt like this is cutting edge stuff. I’d just hate if it had some gimmick that no one will use like the IR sensor, and the go with an LCD.
I’ve considered doing this but I’m hesitant to do this for the first time on my primary device. I figure when I upgrade I may keep this phone to experiment on.
Thank you. I fairly compulsively keep apps closed to free up memory and also don’t keep many extra apps installed.
Thanks for the advice. I keep installed apps to a minimum for data privacy purposes. I’ll see if there is any other fat to trim though
So maybe I’m just out of touch, but who reads this and still wants to use this service?
There are no open connections around me unless they have an agreement with a cell carier
100% streaming on the web
TV left offline. Small computer(I use linux) attached. Wireless keyboard with a trackpad.
I’ve been doing this for years.
How did you beat it that fast? I’m 70ish hours in and only starting to get close to done with act 1 maybe.
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Has moto said how long OS and security support will be? Might be a deal breaker for me.