Can anyone, I mean anyone, please explain to me that allure of so called cats. We are happy and have no cats. I just don’t get it
Can anyone, I mean anyone, please explain to me that allure of so called cats. We are happy and have no cats. I just don’t get it
Fair enough
I think it’s a common argument that’s been made by Hitchens and Steven Fry too, but you’re right 😁
Looking at the pain and suffering in the world, any god that is not only capable of stopping that, but is by definition the one that made things this way, the only logical conclusion is he’s evil, Abrahamic or otherwise
There is no god, but if there was one, the only logical conclusion is that he’s evil. So whatever you call it, your religion is the most sane one I’ve ever heard about
I might have to donate to this. Awesome project
I fully agree with your sentiment, but I don’t think blocking VPNs and having different content per region is all about your telemetry data. It’s mainly about content rights. They can’t always get deals to show the content in any region, or it may be much more expensive than buying it for one region.
I hate it as much as anyone, but the streaming companies don’t have full rights to all the content and that’s what needs to change to reach the same experience as music streaming.
An IPTV service is probably going to be the best way to watch live. If you can wait a bit and not watch live, smcgill is the man
Your funny 🙂
*Peace of mind
This is the geekiest thing I’ve ever heard. I love it
Someone might have already mentioned it, but M.2 is just a physical connector. You can have M.2 SATA or M.2 NVME drives. Prefer NVME (a modern motherboard should support it but older ones only do SATA)
That’s a bit of a blanket statement. It depends on the house and where you want the cable to go.
Yea, they do seem to be some of the worst offenders
Insane, but far too common
Still, 2024 and they’re storing plaintext passwords?
Betteridges law. So the answer is no, Taylor Swift won’t tilt Florida blue, unfortunately.
Thanks, think that’s the one I remember. Would be great if there was an open alternative
Edit: there are open source repositories but I’m not sure if part of it is closed source? https://github.com/acestream?tab=repositories
I went back from Windows 11 to Windows 10 as 11 was too buggy on my system (maybe because I bypassed some checks for TPM because my motherboard was too old).
I cannot understand at all this move from control panel to settings thats half baked in 10 and presumably even worse in 11. It’s not an improvement and makes things difficult to find