True that. And with one thing you are right: the Miyoo Mini Plus is absolutely awesome for what it is designed for!
True that. And with one thing you are right: the Miyoo Mini Plus is absolutely awesome for what it is designed for!
That’s not really an adequate recommendation imo. The Miyoo Mini Plus has subpar battery runtime due to it’s size limitations and it’s LCD screen, compared to actual eInk devices. The screen size and ratio is also not suitable for effective reading, even though it is possible to read eBooks with it.
I like your profile picture 👀
Finalise my physical network to have at least one available port in every essential room & build a new home server/NAS.
Well, turns out that when you host a private service that allows others to share files, they might share files that they are not allowed to share. But in return your door gets kicked in in the morning and suddenly no one wants to take credit for the actual upload anymore.
I’m in the process of doing an initial restic sync of my primary storage to B2 as offsite backup and while I’m at it finally got around having a look at resticprofiles to simplify my restic backups on all my systems. Highly recommend it as it reduced my mental overhead of doing regular backups quite a bit!