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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • I mean yea that’s the plan. What are the other options? Force every countrie to stop producing instead to reduce carbon emissions that way? Wich one Sounds more realistic? And I feel like you assume that fusion reactors are dangerous because your comments about war torn countries. But it’s not possible to turn them into weapons. They run on hydrogen. And if they ever oberheat or something the magnets stop working and the reaction stops.

  • JayObey711@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldSigh
    2 months ago

    It doesn’t matter why are you roleplaying as a botanist if you don’t see that culinary definitions and scientific classification are two separate things. One is really useless for the average person and the other is probably also a foreign concept to everyone having quirky discussions about whether cakes are hotdogs or smoothies, because they are the type of people to tweet a 60 page essay about why expecting neurodivergents people to cook their own meal should be considered a hate crime.

  • Weeell I mean we use abbreviation for the really bad ones. BAföG being my usual example. And I work with international students so with some I see how they learn German from the beginning. My favourite moments are when they discover words like Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbesscheinigung (wich we abbreviate with AU or just Krankenschein), Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (or just Tempolimit) or the aforementioned Berufsausbildungsförderungsgeld (or just BAföG). I feel like there are quite a few really long words in everyday life. You just have to look out for them.

  • Peter was the guy with the nasty hair and nails. The kid in orange is Konrad or little suck-a-thumb. His thumbs are cut of by the a random man with big sharp scissors because he wouldn’t stop sucking his thumbs. So he kind of had it coming. He was even warned by his mother.

    But seriously the girl on the bottom is maybe the only good story I would actually tell my children. It’s about a girl who kept playing with fire even tho she was repeatedly told how dangerous it was.

    There is also one story about a black kid that is being bullied for the colour his skin. A bystander doesn’t like that and dips the dipshits in ink so their skin is even darker than that of the black child. Wich is kind of slay but still portrays dark skin as worse than lighter skin soo :(

  • If I hear “bUt MoNkEyS oPeN tHeM fRoM tHe BotTom” again I will shit a semi truck. Wild monkeys do not eat bananas. Why would monkeys be the authority on bananas?? Because they are depicted that way? Would you ask a mouse how to eat cheese because they are drawn as cheese fans in cartoons? Well no, they eat fruit and grain and shit. Humans created the Cavendish banana. Monkeys were not taken into consideration when we frankensteined modern bananas together.

  • JayObey711@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIntruder
    3 months ago

    someone makes an argument: pick the most extreme adgecase imaginable where rule doesn’t apply while not addressing the problem at all 😎😎😎

    The life expectancy of nigeria is 55. That’s 20 less than the world’s average (and apparently north korea?). I should have said developed country, sure. But the point stands. Murdering is not funny. The USA is one of the richest and most developed nations in the world, but is 57th in homicide rate (right behind zimbabwe to give some perspective)