The IBM 503, the last valve computer, that Cobol and Fortran, the first languages were developed on, had 20 bit words.
So an 80 column card could fit 4 words across. Thats why teletypes and terminals had 80 coulmns of text - so they were the same size as punch cards.
Fortran only used 72 columns, so the last 8 were unused.
It seems weird, but on early computers bytes were not based on multiples of 8 or 4 (like 8 but, 16 bit, 32 bit etc). Some computers had 15, 10, 7, 25, even 50 bit words.
There are quite a few subreddits that require vast amounts of karma points (like 12,000) to reply, and there are heaps that require high karma points to post, meaning you have to effectively buy them.
Who the hell would be interested ?
Bic lighters are made in France. 25% is peanuts to them, they get much higher tariffs in south america.
Everything is a turbo now which is “more efficient” but there is no way they will last as long as the naturally aspirated V6 or V8s that would go for 400-500k miles.
You do know that turbocharged engines don’t rev as much don’t you ? They last longer.
A 1.8L NA Atsra put out 92 kW at 6000 rpm. The 1.6L turbo version put out 134kW at 2800 rpm.
I wouldn’t say it was a failure.
It sold quite well considering its price.
The original specifications and price were never going to be met,
Gold caps (teeth) painted with white enamel was the method of choice in the past.
Promises Made - Promises Delivered.
Laws introduced to prevent people from boycotting israeli companies allow Musk to sueanyone who won’t advertise on X for political reasons.
And no, the first amendment doesn’t protect speech for private companies.
He’ll win.
because a printer that was $800 in 1995 is now $49
You should see what searching was like on AltaVista. You’d have to scroll past dozens of posts of random numbers and letters to find anything legible. Click through and your computer would emit a cacophony of bell sounds and pour out screens of random nonsense and then freeze permanently. You had to rely on links and web-rings to navigate with any degree of success.
And that in itself was a massive improvement on what was available before.
You talk as if this is some sort of special trick.
You’re able to work around those things precisely because they have been designed to be turned off.
Running a business system with the TPM turned off is madness, whcih will pretty much guarantee a ransomware attack,.
None of the changes including TPM requirements required a new iteration.
This is completely wrong.
The TPM is a hardware feature, so you need to update the whole system. The software patch is too slow to be useful.
The uptake level is expected given falling PC sales and the fact that upgrading is limited.
4 cylinder and foreign (Austin B series),. definitely woke.
The 400 if you acidentally stepped on it it’d flip back and bark your shin, you’d fall over and put your foot through it. that’s why there’s so few today.
Its BASIC with big boy pants on.
C-ing is believing.
C ++ is double plus good.
C has always been at war with Rust.
Hey fuck this shit
Theres heaps of stuff that is under-developed or mssing, but they prefer to rewrite working code in Rust, because ideology.
We are witnessing the death of Linux here, no less, replacing a working kernal with an still undefined language that everyone will have forgotten in 5 years.