Currently learning German.
Keine Sorge, it’s ok. Stuff happens. I do want to ask though, if I’m focusing on making memes with proper grammar and such, and interacting with the community in the comments, is that better or would it still be doomed to fail because of the “needing to be in-the-know” stuff? Cause I did make a meme for ich_iel here on lemmy, and I think it went alright.
Oh, bummer. I’m not the OP but I was also trying to interact with the ich_iel community and make memes and stuff to practice my German.
Idk I just kinda got used to neovim and made a custom color scheme too lol (although I’m still learning), but I might go and try out Geany again, I haven’t used it in a while. And I don’t use neovim for everything, I use vscodium for editing stuff like html and css
Oh cool! TIL! (Well I knew but I forgot lol) But yeah I miss how notepad++ saves what you had open before
Try Pinta! It’s pretty nice and minimal!
Maybe something like vim or emacs? Idk if they have tabs for different open files though
Oh cool, thanks! That reminds me, I really need to get my neocities site fixed up properly…
Arch for me; pulsemixer, iwctl, bluetoothctl
Ah ok I should’ve guessed that from the context, lol. Thanks!
No worries, thanks for the link!
Do you have a link for the tweet? I want to read it now lol. Also what’s LWT mean?
Crosspost this to one of the German communities, i wanna see what they think lol
Can you mail me some? It sounds delicious.