Apple will do the same I’m sure after they release their Vision Pro headset. People still aren’t totally sold on VR so there will need to be a race to the bottom before we can start climbing back up to high end headsets.
If this were AOC spreading pictures of Trumps kid everyone’s statements would flip flop lol.
Imagine not providing a comment of any value or contribution to the betterment of society.
You did nothing to refute the contents of the article
You don’t know anything of what I believe or what my sources are.
I already know everything I need to know about you.
Touch grass, I’m sure you desperately need it.
There’s an entire internet of knowledge and I have a million people on here messaging me. If only I had the time to sit down with each person I would, but I don’t.
Do your own research and challenge your beliefs
It isn’t my responsibility to educate you. If you have no desire to seek out truth that’s your own choice
Except in situations where volunteers aren’t allowed to watch because windows are blocked, or we have drop boxes. Or dead people voting
They aren’t unsubstantiated claims lol
I’m not denying I’m a victim of propaganda, but most people here are and it’s a red flag that they are victims of propaganda lol
We know two different Trumps then apparently.
Propaganda working its magic
What’s wrong with changing your skin color for a costume?