that just sounds like a weird interview.
“you’re qualified for this position if, and only if, you can answer a useless question with only a rudimentary understanding of the subject and no critical thought”
if true, you dodged a bullet
that just sounds like a weird interview.
“you’re qualified for this position if, and only if, you can answer a useless question with only a rudimentary understanding of the subject and no critical thought”
if true, you dodged a bullet
and the reddit Russian psy-op? certainly not helping
what?! the guy who bankrupted a casino for short-term real estate gains? not a trustworthy partner? how could it be?
same. when the blackout protest changed nothing about the 3rd party apps, I decided I was done, and never went back
granted, it had been getting toxic for other reasons, but being forced to use their shitty app was the final straw for me
damn, it’s already been over a year, hasn’t it?
kebab will always be my top choice, unless shawarma is also an option
if they supported child stone and theodore nugget, they were already on board with the republiKlan agenda
you can’t force someone to run you god damn idiot
it takes some serious kompromat to pull that off
wow, that’s a perfectly accurate description of my blue! we have a thing where when I come home, he’s waiting for me at the door, and always stands up on his hind legs to bump noses.
he also figured out how to lead us to things, like his food bowl, litter box, windows, etc, when he needs something. when he decides it’s bed time he’ll get in the way of whatever we’re doing until we follow him to bed and get in. at which point he jumps to the foot of the bed and sleeps like a dog. he runs the house, and we’re his pets/servants, obviously.
I only noticed, because he looks a lot like mine, who has oddly pronounced biceps for a cat. Sometimes when he sticks his paws out over the bed, it looks like he’s trying to point me towards the gun show. Also very active, and legitimately big boned.
“oh you meant boot treads? yeah, get those bad boys up here so I can lick the crud out of them”
that Russian blue looks yoked. swole patrol approved
the resemblance is uncanny
I was saying “boo-urns”
Klaus will still nail someone’s wife… but it’ll probably be when he forgets to put his forks up to secure a pallet of actual nails
that’s exactly why I always try to tip with cash. when I pay in cash for food, I have no issue if the business wants to pocket it and keep a little extra something for themselves that uncle sam can’t touch. taxes are important, but workers can have a little personal gain, as a treat. plus, credit companies don’t need to get their beaks wet everytime I buy something.
But one of the things I learned about doing business is always make it easy for people to pay.
the weirdest thing I see regularly is “no cash” signs for vendors. I understand some places don’t want to deal with giving change, or holding large amounts of cash at outdoor events, or making lines go quicker, etc. it’s just strange that the most concrete form of regulated currency we have is turned down so often now.
the weenus is a dance
as a mechanic working in a hodgepodge US/EU factory line, I have to suffer through always carrying double the tools to service metric and SAE machines. and after so many years in the industry, I still slip up and say 3/16 when I mean 3/8 sometimes, because fractions are a shit system for wrenches.
oh, and some of our linear encoders readout decimal-feet, because fuck it, why not?
sometimes you just gotta ask Jeeves