I no longer own that phone, what problem do you have?
I no longer own that phone, what problem do you have?
In iOS, apps can only acces a directory specific to them that no other app can read, there are no shared directories that all apps can acces or a way to make symlinks or something would help (at least i’m not aware of them). So I have to move my files from wherever i need them to use them (like a video player app whose directory is not visible to the file sharing app) to the directory of the app I use to share files, and viceversa when I share files from a computer to the phone.
In android, I can give apps permission to read and write files on the general storage.
I’m talking about files in general, I never tried to share voice notes specifically. If you only want to transfer files to the PC and not to the phone, I think the files app supports FTP. If you can access your voice notes from the files app, this is probably the best solution. File transfers lver USB on iphoes are extremely slow anyway.
Transfering files from an iphone is a nightmare, I used to transfer files using rsync in some app that worked as a linux container, but I first had to transfer the files to the app’s storage.
Yo he usado manjaro, arch y actualmente uso artix en mis dos computadoras. Manjaro descártala, artix por lo general funciona bien pero eso de que no tenga systemd llega a genrar problemas dependiendo el software que uses. Arch nunca me dio ningun problema que no se solucionara facilmente o mo fuera culpa mía.
An ssh tunnel over port 8080 might work
Zoomer from Mexico, I can and I prefer it. I daily drive a manual car.
About 3 years. It would be about 5 if the previous one had not been stolen from me. It is a contigo steel can. Great so far.
Cleanbuild means not to use previous existing files, the numbers are exemples of a selection of which packages to cleanbuild. ^4 means all but number 4, the others I think are self explantory
You can blovk media with ublock origin, and firefox blocks autoplay by default
Hyprland is still a young project, it is also a wayland compositor, I think the rolling release model is benefitial in these cases
Arch, what do you mean with “stability”?
I use organic maps, based on openstreetmap, it has more information than i expected but still much less than google. It’s almost on par with apple maps where I live, both significantly worse than google.
Well, I (unintentionally) called someone ugly after she removed her mask, there was no second date
Nothing, there is no reason to put that much RAM on your system if you don’t even know what to do with it. “What is someone who only uses his car to commute supposed to do with a supercar?”