These are the same idiots that claim capitalism in America is merit based. This was all obvious long in advance, and they sit here with their surprise Pikachu faces like the rest of the chronically uninformed rubes.
If full time Walmart employees need government assistance programs to afford food and pay their rent, is it not Walmart who is leaning on government assistance?
These are the same idiots that claim capitalism in America is merit based. This was all obvious long in advance, and they sit here with their surprise Pikachu faces like the rest of the chronically uninformed rubes.
Don’t forget the Methylene Blue
Honestly, this seems like an easy choice for most of the conservatives I’ve met.
We need this sort of bravery in congress.
I’m sure once you find the right family member’s stock portfolio then it will make all the sense in the world.
I’m not unconvinced that Elon was sharing Starlink data with Putin already…
Democrats have all their problems but this is becoming like a “but do you condemn Hamas?” thing with some portions of the left. This article is entirely about executive branch people speaking out and has literally no statement from a sitting Democrat at all, yet you made it about Democrats. It’s not sensitivity to point out obvious anti-liberal grandstanding. For the record, Democrats are failing us, let’s point that out on posts that actually demonstrate that.
Hopefully when this black hole in American history is over we’ll have normalized clawing back government resources from the companies who robbed us. Fuck imminent domain, they don’t deserve a penny.
Your takeaway from Trump being a psychopath is that democrats are pathetic and terrifying? I’m all for punching to the right, but if you have T-Rex arms it’s not very effective.
Alito has a brain worm or something with that stupid ass dissent.
This is definitely a liberal take. I don’t agree with those who didn’t vote for Kamala, but removing responsibility from people running her campaign when there are obvious glaring issues such as retracting all populist messaging and appealing to non-existent right wingers voting against Trump was a real stinker to say the least. It’s okay to blame politicians who didn’t win for not winning.
If you’re not familiar with her, she is one of the most privileged idiots to ever sit in front of a judge. She has zero remorse for obvious wrong-doing and she still doesn’t see what she did wrong despite it being spelled out by the world’s most patient people. In other words she’s the prime candidate for unleashing more corruption into our society. That has become the most prominent and predictable thing in this admin so far.
How many universities will abandon free speech rights for 10% of their budget? Hard to say, many abandoned them for less when students were protesting genocide.
I think it would actually be very easy to unite their bases. At a certain point we’re going to have to acknowledge that progressive populism is appealing to every demographic apart from evangelicals, xenophobes, and 3%ers. Midwesterners who like Walz may be more religious and worse LGBTQ+ allies, but fundamentally people want someone who is going to even the playing field for workers and that’s something that both groups would appreciate. A large amount of any campaign is going to have to be education about the benefits of unions, public projects, and being a member of your community rather than a shut-in if they want to generate positive buzz. Negative buzz is easy, just call the fascists weak and gross.
I’m worried that despite having very good views himself that he is going to be tainted by the past. Not without reason too, because the consultants made him stand down with the “weird” insult and progressive messaging. Like most of these people, if it’s not their authentic campaign, then whose is it? He’s demonstrated, like most people who reach a moment in their career to seriously consider this, that he’s too malleable for populist politics. It’s possible that he completely sheds that team and runs his own, but who here really thinks that’s going to happen? I’d believe it if we had AOC for VP. The pressure to succumb to inferior messaging is higher than it’ll ever be during a presidential campaign, I don’t really trust anyone to stay firm except AOC, Talib, and Bernie because they have demonstrated resistance in this sort of high pressure consultant environment.
I remember being around 8 years old and thinking it’s scary how one leader’s bad mood in a conversation could lead to war and then I felt better once I eventually learned about diplomats and state department’s existence some years later… I guess with the US, we’re back to a child’s version of diplomacy.
What an utterly disgraceful idiot our president is. Zelenskyy is a generational talent in being able to keep his cool as people who know nothing proceed to richsplain and gaslight him about his literal lived experience. The US doesn’t deserve to be a super power for voting in this clown.
Elon is Ebola, does that count?
I think that was literally the point they were making. Agreed, though, that breaking the cycle is the most important approach. When a healthcare CEO got got, they initially celebrated it. I think they were reachable in that moment, but right-wing media chastised them, and in about 5 days or so, the murmurs in the halls started reverted to talking points.
His point is valid though, Trump Jr has no rizz. Trump is objectively more talented as an entertainer than his failsons.