Is registration for fedia.io currently working? I’ve trying to set up an account for a couple of days. When I fill out the registration page and hit “register” nothing happens.
Is registration for fedia.io currently working? I’ve trying to set up an account for a couple of days. When I fill out the registration page and hit “register” nothing happens.
Top Gun for the nes. I never actually finished the first mission. I could beat Mike Tyson but that aircraft carrier kicked my ass.
Mortgage payments cover insurance and taxes in addition to the mortgage itself. Unless you have a variable rate mortgage the portion of the payment going to the loan doesn’t change but the amount needed to cover taxes and insurance can.
It has to be the early 90’s, he was born in 1980 and looked like this in 1998.
Try Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. It’s a similar kind of horror comedy.
Kbin has upvote, downvote, and boost. Boost comes from the microblogging side, kbin does both content aggregation like Lemmy and microblogging like Mastodon. On the content aggregation side boost counts as 2 upvotes and it functions as normal for the microblogging side. Kbin.social is the only Kbin instance I used, I expect that it works the same on other Kbin instances and on Mbin but I don’t know for sure.
Op is talking about accounts that upvote spam content. For the most part those accounts will be the spammer’s alts that will be posting spam when the current account gets banned. Blocking them while they are still being used for vote manipulation means you wouldn’t have to see their spam in the future.
That’s way too much work. I just logged into my original account on kbin.social and tapped on the activity button to see votes before that instance went down. If I want to see votes again I can set up an account on any kbin or mbin instance in less than a minute and do the same thing.
That’s what they tell us anyway. What actually breeds innovation is giving people the opportunity to explore their own talents and pursue their interests from a place of stability. Things that interfere with that include tying healthcare to employment, allowing receiving healthcare to bury someone in debt, tying public education to local income levels, allowing pursuing higher education to bury someone in debt, inadequate public mental health services, allowing the minimum income for a full time employee to be below the amount required to meet basic needs for the average family, allowing work time for a full time employee to exceed a reasonable limit that would allow the employee to spend time with children, take care of their own health, and pursue hobbies and other interests.
We also have a problem on lemmy that there is a subset of users who think that votes are how you curate your feed. They downvote anything that they don’t want to see instead of blocking communities that they aren’t interested in.
Using scaled sorting really helps with getting smaller communities on the front page. I still see the political and news communities but I also see communities for cities and niche hobbies.
The President appoints people to the USPS Board of Governors for a term of 7 years. That board selects the Postmaster General.
They are being tried in military tribunals so the Defense Secretary is in the position that the Attorney General would be in if it were in civilian courts. He didn’t, and can’t, override the court. He overrode the military prosecutors who initially agreed to the plea deal and withdrew the deal before it went to court.
Until and unless someone steps up to challenge her and we know who is willing to throw their hat in the ring we can’t really support a specific candidate. All we have is speculation and who I’d like. Blind loyalty and immediately falling in line obscures the true picture for how much support she has and makes it less likely that a challenger will step forward. We need a real conversation about Harris’s candidacy and to know if anyone will challenge her for the nomination. Elizabeth Warren is who I want with Bernie as my second choice but I don’t see either of them as a real possibility because of their age. Let’s see if someone closer to them is willing to fight for the nomination before falling in line.
So what you’re saying is that you already knew she was a problematic and unpopular choice but you are going to accuse anyone who voices that of supporting baby rape because you think any attempt to find a better candidate helps Trump. I think forcing a bad choice without any level of discussion helps Trump but I still don’t think you support baby rape.
I gave 4 potential candidates I would support.
Trying to help the Democrats not immediately latch on to a bad candidate. We have until the convention to find someone better.
I’ve been shitting on her the same way since Biden picked her for VP. I was hoping for Stacy Abrams then. I don’t have a specific candidate I like right now because I think Bernie and Elizabeth Warren both have the same age issue, a younger candidate probably has a better chance. I wouldn’t hate Hakeem Jefferies as the nominee, I think Mark Kelly has a good chance of beating Trump. I like Cory Booker and think Tammy Duckworth would be an interesting candidate.
Wanting a progressive Dem nominee is pro Trump?
A new version of Mbin was released I think yesterday. Maybe it has something to do with the update.