Has he? Last I heard he was still complaining that “yOu CoUlDnT dO sEiNfElD tOdAy BeCaUsE wOkE” with Rob McElhenney begging to differ.
Has he? Last I heard he was still complaining that “yOu CoUlDnT dO sEiNfElD tOdAy BeCaUsE wOkE” with Rob McElhenney begging to differ.
Wot? Perplexity ai, that app that I have on my phone and that I sometimes ask random things when I want to be angry at something and that gives entirely useless and wrong answers 95% of the time? lollmaoeven
This being an old comic and people instantly forming the (seemingly) obvious connection to recent events seems like a good illustration of the concept of the dead author.
The gang on It’s Always Sunny is worse but they are obviously not people we’re supposed to empathise with. It’s quite a bit less obvious on Seinfeld.
familiar with German
Exactly. Different languages have different phonology that you have to be familiar with, there is no one way to “spell it like it’s pronounced” (except IPA and even that can be tricky).
“Eichhörnchenschwanz” is spelt exactly like it’s pronounced. Does this help you pronounce it?
The title and character names speak to me on a genetic level. “Schtemwölch” in particular makes my ancestors stir in their unmarked graves in the Teutoburger Wald, urging me to watch this.
“This guy wasn’t even personally affected, how DARE he want to try and cause change?”
Dein Satz ist “where should I go?”, nicht wahr? Das wäre auf Deutsch “Wohin soll ich gehen?” oder, ein bisschen freier, “Wo soll ich lang gehen?” Jemand mit Erfahrung im Übersetzen kann mit Kontext die beste Formulierung finden.
Persönlich würde ich auch schreiben “Wer bin ich? Und wo?” Aber darüber kann man streiten.
If you’re doing full colour, the right one is probably more efficient. Find a balance between detail and time spent, consider how long people are going to look at each panel and how much effort you need to put into each one.
Also, you may want to find a native German speaker, preferably with some experience in translation if it’s going to be in German.
Good. This acronym-as-country-name thing is a bad habit that needs to be discouraged at every turn.
Oh gawd I fell for it. It’s the right amount of blurry that was common on the early internet so I didn’t question the hazy details.
Because claps are the only currency accepted on the secret market where medical workers buy their groceries.
Be Batman, have prep time.
Oooh now that makes sense. Thank you!
Doesn’t matter. Green Mario is perfect. Working class, deals with literal shit daily, is scared of everything, and still does the thing. Red Mario has it easy, he’s not scared of CEO Bowser, he doesn’t have to overcome his fear - because he’s confident. Which is cool, good for him. But Red Mario is unachievable as a role model. Be more like Green Mario who does it scared, who does it alone, who does it anyway.
Idk, might be the lack of US genes in me.
Yes. And I’m tired of pretending otherwise.
Gosh. I am unironically impressed, it’s rare for people to actually take stuff back and say they were wrong. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Weird how it’s impossible for celebrities to just be taken at their word without a representative being contacted for clarification.