Not only that but they also detect VMs so if you want to play it you have to dual boot
Those look like they are welded
Presumably it’s to stop video scraping for ai training
That would be 1.27g/cm^3, so not that much denser than your average human
It’s a fake image that is funny
I am really surprised no one made a uranus joke yet
Edit: or is this the joke and i’m just dense
Apparently it can run syncthing and there’s an obsidian plugin for it, i may actually get myself one of those
A propos potato cameras (i recommend checking out the channel):
Hahaha! Look at this cat picture i found 🤣🤣🤣😂
Hey do you think they are technically correct, which is the best kind off correct?
Haven’t used matrix, but i am almost sure discord is made for a different usecase than the others
You know, the whole apples and oranges thing
Let’s dance in my ass
Read by jeaney collects:
I mean it’s like bread with butter but better
Why not rasberry pi with kubernetes?