Snap! Can’t even put a new one in…
Snap! Can’t even put a new one in…
There were no monkeys when dinosaurs existed, also more time elapsed between the stegosaurus in the back existing and the t rex and triceratops than between them and us.
I wonder if there isn’t a stable chamber shape that promotes turbulence in a controlled manner in order to prevent it getting out of hand? A little bit like the dimples on a golf ball create micro pockets of turbulence promoting laminar flow.
The son is going to inherit the company, he’s clearly terrified and going to piss the whole thing up the wall within five years of being given the reins.
It’s not really sitting though is it…
We are kind of unique in our ability to sit on chairs, the majority of animals throughout evolutionary history have some form of tail. Imagine we meet aliens and every species is incapable of sitting on a chair, it’d make start trek look a little foolish.
That’s alright, fusion is only ten years away!
Queen Boudica went to war with the Romans.
Geese, ducks and chickens had all already evolved when the dinosaurs went extinct. They are all tough hombre.
Scavenging for food, digging up any available crops and planting for next year.
ZX81, couldn’t afford games so learned to program, wrote little graphical adventures using a text map.
The Mercator scale on maps makes everything equatorial look tiny compared to northern and southern latitudes.
It’s occasionally a survival strategy, rodents will eat their young if they are exposed to high levels of stress immediately after giving birth. Some sharks do it in vitro with their siblings. Edit, higher mammels tend to offer up the ability to sustain the young as a valuable survival trait, except male lions, if a male lion takes over a pride the first thing it does is kill all the cubs so the females go into heat sooner. Nature is harsh.
You are quite right, I am wrong about everything I posted on this thread, apologies.
I’ve already made a couple of comments but I thought I’d throw this one in too, ancient societies held coming of age as a big deal because it meant that you’d reached a point where you were worth investing in, prior to that you were cannon fodder.
This is the reason that the food standard cooking temperature for a variety of different meats in the EU is 80c for a variety of different amounts of time, it’s not to kill the pathogens it’s to kill the by-products. Edit typo. Edit facts
You didn’t have to make it to adulthood, if you made it to five you would likely see fifty on average. Edit, apologies that it still leaves an average. Second edit, it’s also theorised that children don’t like the taste of vegetables until they reach puberty, children are predisposed not to eat plant matter as they are incapable of knowing whether or not it will kill them.
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