No one is ready for it. Buck the fuck up buckaroo, the storm is here.
No one is ready for it. Buck the fuck up buckaroo, the storm is here.
And we need to wake up and realize we are the largest union.
Yes it’s going to hurt, but at least we are making the decision. Ignore the symptoms of cancer and it is going to get worse plus you’ll have fewer options for treatment.
Shit happens… Lol
Awe, poor thing. I know nothing but someone has t break the ice, I would think maybe try to keep some smells the same. Not wash bedding right away, that sort of thing so everything isn’t new to her?
Huh, didn’t know they were sexing semen for artificial insemination. Do you know if they can catch intersex semen? Intersex individuals/animals do exist and have been well documented.
Ya mean on not one science right?
Sorry for being that dick, but it’d irritate me in your position not being let know.
Yeah I’m intentionally being aggressive because were not talking about mundane things like the best way to cook a Turkey or beat a video game. We’re on a public form where the reader could be anyone. If some kid stumbled on this and picked up that wire color is a good rule of thumb to use when judging differences in voltage potential I think you can imagine how catastrophic that could be.
But I’ll hop off this soap box now. I personally prefer being on the safety guys bad side, not agreeing with em.
Well bad practice meet reality. These look like relays/contactors of some sort so it’s probably a piece of equipment that who know who put it together. Got a bunch of yellow wire and building a piece of equipment that you and you alone will be servicing? Fuck it, let’s use up this wire…
Based on this picture alone your assumptions are quite dangerous and could easily lead to you or anyone reading this replacing that small mammal pictured. To think you could assume anything based on wire color in this photo is insane to me.
What do they have going on with those green wires? Since their all green why didn’t they just tie them all together with a wire nut? Same with the yellow wires! Since their the same color they must be about the same thing… But what do i know, red cars are fast.
If you want to predict based based on color be my guest, but don’t assume shit when it comes to unknown electrical boxes. Shit will fuck you up at the speed of light.
Pic could be fake for other reasons, but wire color?!?
Lmao, what make you so sure there would be minimal voltage difference???
I think the should get sued for devaluing diplomas they’ve given out. Who would want it known they were educated at NYU now??
The lawsuit may not go anywhere but maybe the money and PR cost of ongoing litigation would wake some people up.
Or maybe their accreditation board should be spamed nonstop with complaints. Question what the accreditation board is even doing if they can’t prevent this kind of shit from a place of higher education.
Honestly this has been knocking around in my head. Did truly less people vote this go around?
We have more days of counting to go through but I’m honesty surprised at the numbers so far.
If less people voted then fair, but something feels off. Kinda left with some uncomfortable possibilities if there’s a way to know the true number of people that voted.
Lol what? What discord server? You may find that even discord is slightly looked down upon here.
Ohh, I thought it was a gimp suit. My bad.
I think you’re more right than you may have intended.
Nah, Americans are seeing a slight dulling of the pain to get through the day.
Got bills to pay and mouths to feed, there ain’t no safety net to catch ya when your name whatever hurts and needed surgery a decade ago.
Take your pain killers and caffeine and get to work you lazy scum.
Yeah owning a baseball card worth money sure whatever, if you pawn that card sorry, pay taxes. You use that card a to secure a loan with lower interest rates than you’d get without then sorry, you are realizing gains whether or not you want to admit it. This goes along one of the lawsuits against Trump. He lied to get favorable interest rates by overvaluing his assets to get better interest rates. If that’s against the law why the fuck is that not counted as a “gain” to use assets to secure favorable interest rates?
Yeah, this thread is kinda sad. Hivemind conclusion jumping without much thought put into it.
Then people saying he rehearsed doing this? What’s there to gain? You get away with saying a racial slur on air? Woohoo…
Occam’s razor people, is he some mastermind plotting to say it, a racist that let it slip, or mispronounced a word and fixed it on the go like us meat bags do on the daily?
If he says racists often then sure he could be a racist that let it slip. But my money is on the brain having a hiccup.
Don’t know why the hate. I have no clue who this person is, maybe the’re a pos…
But I could see my dumb ass doing this, having a long thought with points to hit, saying “mig” (like the plane) then vocalizing “er” to fill the silence while trying to remember how to say migrants because my brain knows damn well it doesn’t start with “mig” even though those are the letters, ohh “mygrints”…
Trump shared it…
The “best” would be some kind of DC to DC converter, but I’m not sure there’s anything plug and play atm because there’s a wide range of specs laptops want. If your laptop happens to change with USB c PD or whatever the spec is that’d be the most efficient that I’m aware of. No sense in going dc->ac->dc if it can be helped.