If you never had any nudes in the first place, and update, is there a chance to get some?
Asking for a friend.
I played launch and the first two seasons. The game is not fun, but they clearly spend a ton of resources cranking out skins.
Skins are somewhat cool, but shit value since they only work on specific classes.
Meanwhile, skins in POE, arguably a more enjoyable game though dated, are usable across all classes.
Not exactly apples/oranges due to gender locked classes, but still.
Been using Steam since its debut and while I don’t like 100% of this, good lord it’s nice seeing someone actually trying.
I would absolutely love this as a starting point.
For all Gaben’s MS/Windows angst, its long term bloat and mishmash of design language/features (he’s not wrong), this really does illustrate the need for Gaben to get his house in order.
10/10 would support
I stopped watching their channels after all the controversy. I had felt some of their content was low brow and low effort, but I liked some of their hosts and the nerd humor.
Once I saw the various reports enumerating all the issues and the Linus’s response, I decided I had outgrown their channel and moved on.
I never knew adblockers were a thing until the most recent hubbub with YouTube, so I went down a rabbit hole and the world is a better place.
Imagine what I might learn tomorrow.
Human decency seems a good place to start.
When you care about what happens to all human beings instead of what someone does for you, you’ll understand.
The guy seems like he’d even care about your well being, I don’t understand the hate.
I think this impeachment inquiry is nonsense, but since the can of worms is open, how’s about we peep all serving political figures families for wrong doing and/or quid pro quo.
Let’s take a lot at those stock trades as well.
Working people are starting to wake up, politicians work for themselves first and we’re getting tired of it.
I didn’t realize this site was still around. Dolly is a literal saint, good luck winning hearts by trashing her.