Shush, I’m shitposting
Shush, I’m shitposting
Yeah. Linux is anarchist. Tankies don’t believe in Linux because it functions without state ownership. They think it’s a CIA psyop.
Double the usual number in one sixth the time. That’s one low p value.
Listened to the Beatles and they sucked. Now I hate all British music. /s
White people committing genocide to steal land. Checks out. That’s the criteria for entry.
If I was an individualist, why would I choose to support the capitalist system that makes me poor? Communism is much more sensible for my “rational self interest”
Eurovision got in trouble last year for allowing Israel to join. Israel is in the middle east of Asia, not in Europe. The only thing European about Israel is that white people are committing a genocide to steal land.
It’s very unlikely that you dislike ALL other countries’ music. One is fine. Five is understandable. But 200??
If they converted to leftism, they could blame their economic troubles on Donald Trump and Jeff Bezos. Clearly it’s not just looking for someone to blame.
I disagree. I know I’ll never be a rich capitalist. But if we’re all rich communists, then I’ll be rich.
I submit the price of eggs as evidence that if it were about self interest, there’d be a communist revolution tomorrow.
It’s very important for computer club to be political
Maybe using a communist OS will radicalise them to the left
Now that he’s on a communist OS, maybe he’ll adopt some other communist/anarchist views
Like not saying the N word
They live in a culture of cowardice. They think violence is a shameful thing. They’re taught passivity from birth. Instead of learning to fight honourably, they’re taught not to fight at all. Not to yell. Not to argue. Not to protest. Not to kill. It’s the morality underpinning their society. It’s a mind prison that makes them into obedient servants to the master class.
Tankies also don’t believe in gardening. They think the idea of food coming out of the ground for free is a pie in the sky delusion. Food obviously comes from the food factory, which is too big to be run by local communities.