Followed swiftly by operation jizzberworld
Followed swiftly by operation jizzberworld
Santa being real is the least innacurate part of this
They would have immigrants primarily from other parts of asia most likely
I dont have twitter, how do community notes work as apposed to regular comments?
Thank you for your sacrifice
How dare you… Clone high and Undergrads were fantastic shows
Yep, the wording here is slightly different (worse)
Im also finding this with USB-C unfortunately
Lewis black!?.. Oh nvm
That table probably smells very bad
Kinsey! Continuing his crusade to shut down the stargate program!
So i clicked okay, not because i trust them but because they just said that THEY would stop showing me ads… They didnt say that they wouldn’t keep farming my data and selling it to other parties.
I didn’t read the whole contract, but from the blurb i got thats certainly what it sounded like
As an engineer i hate both, technical sales never have an understanding of their product and are never able to answer any of my questions (because i’ve read through the datasheet as their words are meaningless to me) but they are mooooorrrreee than happy to schedule an in person meeting to come to my office and show me their product line.
Tell me what i want to know or find me someone who can, im not going to buy 10,000 of whetever if i cant even determine if they will work for my use case.
The last time i had to deal with one of these assholes it took 3 phone calls and 2 emails to get a simple answer which wasnt in their datasheet, which was all of one page long.
My favorite experience with technical sales is we had these component guys come in, they had openned up our product and wanted to show how much better their “equivalent” components were (genuinely a great idea), but they had no context as to what the components were being used for so they all fell flat.
In my experience both are only a waste of my time.
AI, those trees have too many fingers…
You must pay to use your own software
8/10 TV should be bigger
Ive been calling it Mega Texas, but now i guess its Maga Texas