That’s fantastic, I may have to steal that 😂
That’s fantastic, I may have to steal that 😂
The internet isn’t just dead, it’s a reanimated corpse cursed to follow the will of its lich-lords.
I think you nailed it.
Aren’t their names a matter of public record anyway?? Ridiculous - and for my part, I’ve seen people post a lot worse things than “Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell” and somehow they’re not banned.
Yep, I got a frikking lifetime IP ban a few months back for saying “Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell” in r/politics - apparently some fanboy decided that was “inciting violence”. Fuck Reddit, happy to be part of Lemmy.
America is so deeply fucked, and 70-something million of them are too brainwashed to know it yet.