So I’d get reddit content without having to deal with reddit’s nonsense layout and terrible app? That sounds kinda nice actually.
So I’d get reddit content without having to deal with reddit’s nonsense layout and terrible app? That sounds kinda nice actually.
That less ice will mean more drink in the glass.
If the drink is filled to the same level on the glass, then less ice must mean more drink, right?
Unless you fill the drink first, and then add ice, in which case the drinks with ice would have higher water levels then those without ice.
It’s a couple factors where I live:
if you aren’t used to walking places because you live in a car dependent city and thus drive everywhere, walking feels bad, so people try to minimize it.
parking lots usually lack shade so the asphalt bakes under the hot sun, making the walk feels extra bad after the nice cool car AC.
parking lots and surrounding areas here typically have the bare minimum pedestrian accommodations, so walking is extra unpleasant.
3b) gotta watch out for cars that might hit you, or are belching out smelly exhaust, or radiating heat when you’re already sweating. Tolerable at best, and generally not at its best.
Basically, parking lots just suck to be in, so getting the least-sucky spot feels like a celebratory achievement.
It varies per game, but my most common use is to replace the thumbstick clicks. I don’t like how it feels to click in the thumb sticks, feels like I’m adding extra wear and tear to them.
In first person games, I’ll often bind jump, sprint, reload, and melee to the back buttons so I can move and aim while performing those actions.
When I had a phone with a jack, I used it daily to listen to podcasts or music during my commute. Now, without a jack, I use a converter daily to listen to podcasts and music during my commute, but can no longer charge my phone and listen at the same time.
The utility is proof that he’s killed 100 of Saul’s enemies, and Saul is possibly hoping that David will get himself killed in battle.