The hell you mean “not something they could control”? Their whole deal is making upgradeable, repairable devices and ram thats replaceable is no industry secret. Their options should have been make it work or dont make it at all.
The hell you mean “not something they could control”? Their whole deal is making upgradeable, repairable devices and ram thats replaceable is no industry secret. Their options should have been make it work or dont make it at all.
Anyone have streams?
To be fair thats the time when its most effective
Definitely, and they can track the people that did show up as highly motivated.
To be fair, that IS the consequences of their own actions kinda
Id fucking love this
This is amazing and thank you for letting me know you updated. Definitely think the sugar and carbs will be the big problem
No pressure homie but its been a day so a lil pressure
Ifixit was SUPPOSED to sell replacement mobos. It was advertised everywhere but now they silently do not anymore
I bet someone could get AI to write a bunch of bogus emails to send that look like legit reports
Tikka marsala pizza sounds pretty damn good
Ive noticed a lot more fuckhead trolls here lately. They really dirtying up the place
What they should have done is even easier: leave and make their own community. Thats what the Fediverse is about.
Some do some dont. It does make the choice essier if they dont though!
Thing is if you remain so inflexible then the company will simply not care. You’re never going to give them money again so they arent even gunna try to make better decisions. Good choices and options should be rewarded, to an extent
The Kobra with the ACE? How was it out of the box?
Is the Anycubic Kobra with the ACE any decent? Its on sale for what looks like a good price but I dont know anything about quality and out of the box ability
It’s included in my cell plan and ublock works on it
Wait until copy shops start raising their prices cause nobody has printers anymore and you have no choice but to use them