Maybe with a direct to brain interface we won’t have to.
Maybe with a direct to brain interface we won’t have to.
My Sony Bravia had an update that made it horribly laggy. After screwing around a bit I found out that closing apps made it run faster. Somehow they broke the suspension system with the update and it keeps running out of RAM is what I’m assuming happened.
Well dogs’ social cues are much more similar to human ones so they’re much easier to understand.
I still don’t know if that was a bug or if the dev purposely did that.
Her hand has no shadow. I’m assuming those shadows are just more nail polish placed in the dark.
I’m assuming egg products at restaurants have enough profit to not need to raise the price of those.
Cause money is the ultimate reward.
Also, you can’t really regulate other countries. Especially if that country is China.
I know this is a joke, but China has more capitalism than the US.
Who even gets the money when you buy a country? Does it go to the people? If it does then that money is coming right back through taxes.
All of them have this variety? Sounds cool.
Maybe it’s spelled wrong for legal reasons. Can’t get sued for not providing if they never said what they were providing in the first place.
Mine turned off yesterday for an update.
Ah yes. They made the search feature useless. E: I remember they made it better a couple years ago but that was too little too late
You can have a soft cap with higher taxes as wealth goes up.
These days I’m trying to remember what I found so useful with the start menu back on XP and 7. Maybe the problem is Microsoft making it less useful and full of ads.
Got my remote taped because every time it falls the cover flies off with the batteries.
Mine actually tells you on the tag itself.
I just go through running a game I think is interesting so it’s at the top of my recently played and just go back to playing Ark.
I’ve heard that’s why the carbon capture is best done directly out of the machinery that creates the carbon dioxide.