They’ll follow their prey.
They’ll follow their prey.
Is it confirmed, is he the guy?
Are you saying I can’t use the word Zionist because some Nazi scum uses it too?
I think commie begins saying that milk is naturally produced during the normal birthing of young. Then gets side tracked by the commercial aspect of milk as a product. Namely, no demand, no product. I could be wrong…
Brits? Gross. Hope they don’t infest us again.
Is corn syrup more harmful than other sugar sources? Probably not. But it would be nice to be able to afford food that’s not loaded with it.
Hope they don’t get hurt. If they do, I hope their insurance doesn’t deny them care.
I was under the impression that most chips don’t need to be high end - just something good enough for the thing to work. Unless these have very high failure rates or catch on fire they should be fine, right?
“Trees, man… Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be one. Just existing. No place to be, no rush to get there. Seasons come and go, and I remain. Just existing.”
This is how we got Trump. Good for us.
I’m not saying it’s not warranted. I know this kind of conflict could set off something big. I’m not prepared for a civil war personally.
They’re armed with guns. They would love to use those guns.
Israel and China implement sophisticated algorithms to suppress Palestinians and Uyghurs with severe effectiveness. Don’t take this tech lightly.
Stories tend to disappear with the passing away of living memory. These tests are a hope to revive a story of where we came from. It doesn’t, obviously, but I can’t blame people for want.
Fabric scissors just happen to be very good at cutting most things. I use mine to cut open packages, leather, plastics, and cloth! Just avoid cutting anything harder than the steel your scissors are made out of like metal, wires, and such. A quick hone will refresh the edges when you need it.
It’s like Christmas or Easter, or whatever. It transcends the original story and becomes something new. Thanksgiving, to me and my family, means getting together and enjoying the bonding over a meal. I’ve never celebrated the decimation of the indigenous peoples, except for school activities that paint a very different picture.
Can someone put some blush marks and eye dots on it?
Very much agreed. I actually use a very tiny bit of essential oils when I’m feeling fancy instead of a cologne. I typically use lavender or sandalwood, sometimes a citrus.
Nah, we’d rather push the fence out further.