Get ready for these people constantly saying “this is why all of it is democrats fault!” After every shit ball on Rs agenda.
Get ready for these people constantly saying “this is why all of it is democrats fault!” After every shit ball on Rs agenda.
If by roped in you mean signed a contract? Not a musk defender indeed
You got a bit more time Joe do it again and again. Let’s see more of this
Hell yeah. This is what majority wanted let’s do it. Remove the guardrails baby.
He was going to do this regardless. Like, we all get that right?
Now it’s too toxic? I love SK but come on. Supported that site for too long.
Thanks for all your hard work. Very meaningful.
Wish it would have included pension. We really need to bring that back as a standard.
Perfect comment. This is me upvotting twice
Hey look a dipshyt in the wild!
Man that sounds great! I wonder if we can figure out what the average response would be? Maybe take the news around the country into account and guess how it would generally play out. Then extrapolate that data into trying to understand why someone would be more hesitant to put themselves into this situation?
Unless you want to have someone with the right equipment and training to deal with those escalations, he’s right.
Unfortunately, the cops are wearing the Trump clothing.
You lie with your hands. I won’t stand here and have the mcrib shamed.
Is it overpriced? Oh yeah, all of mcdonalds is. Is it good for you? No sir, it’s mostly cardboard I think. But does it make me feel good? Also no, it makes me feel like I’m watching a bad movie on repeat. Bite after bite.
I can’t get enough of them. So good
No kidding! I never eat there unless the mcrib is in town and I eat like a damn pig. Man it’s so good. Boycot up until then I say!
I mean, yeah? Have you looked around? The or else is getting pretty bad.
Also I want to keep adding it’s not just Trump, he’s just a pawn. This is Republicans, not Trump. If row did anything hopefully it opened up some eyes to realize they have been on message for a long damn time. Dems should take note.
You both don’t realize the sheer volume of chuds. It’s great, until you realize it’s endless.
A little tip for the ladies, don’t smoke. It’s really bad for your health and smells terrible.
The internet is amazing. You see someone with their light coming on and showing growth and then you also see this guy in the same post.