It’s a bit of a dated stereotype, thank Hollywood and the “nerd vs jock” trope.
It’s a bit of a dated stereotype, thank Hollywood and the “nerd vs jock” trope.
Over the years it gets tiring, it doesn’t help that there’s a huge technological illiteracy issue even though we depend on it and use it every waking moment.
Missed chance to call it Broccolatte.
That frog’s about to do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.
Look Harry, it’s the new Chumbus 2000!
Half way through I was hoping for it to end but no, there was more
I feel personally attacked by this
His new eye can see through walls and flesh.
The whole doctrine is nonsensical and full of contradictions, but you’re not supposed to ask questions, or use logic…
Former lurker checking in, trying to take this new start on Lemmy as a way to participate more and hopefully contribute a bit, I wonder how many will do the same coming from reddit.
I’m gonna be a beautiful spreadsheet!