I mean, technically speaking that is actually armor made for women that Link is wearing.
I mean, technically speaking that is actually armor made for women that Link is wearing.
I’m the Grim Reaper.
A woman in a dystopian future dies and doesn’t remember her lifetime. She’s in the line to get judged in Hell when Lucifer pops up and says he’s a big fan of her work, and offers her a deal: reap sinners for him so she can still be in the world of the living and to delay her eternal punishment. She ends up working with a former detective who knows the criminal element of the city for her to reap people they think deserve it.
It’s a great drama about morality, and how fucked up people can get in bad situations. Along with one of the best versions of Satan I’ve ever seen.
One problem, Rome actually put effort into feeding the populace (ie the bread part).
Yes acab, but sometimes bastards can screw other bastards.
They won’t actually say it’s their position on issues unless they get enough support. It’s pretending to play devil’s advocate.
Oatmeal is a base, like soup broth. It’s a vehicle for added flavor and texture to other stuff.
Rizz at least makes some sense as a shortened version of charisma.
Note, in context the main character thought a feminine guy was a girl.
Depends on your definition of political. Anything not saying America is the greatest is political to many. Anything involving LGBT people is political. Anything involving religion is political. And a while bunch of other examples.
The types of leftists that will defend any regime that opposes the US/the west, and say any ethical/human rights violations done by them are either necessary in the moment to fight capitalism or is just fake news. You usually find them celebrating China’s government.
Ah, going the George Bush route that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. So, let me tell you about the unicorns on Mars. What, you can’t prove they’re not there.
Seriously though, we do have quite a few records from then since the Egyptian kings really wanted people to know about them. We also have archeological finds of where the workers lived. Also in them being given lavish tombs that regular Egyptians at the time didn’t. This stuff is really not hard to look up.
By all accounts the builders of the pyramids actually had nice places to live, and a higher quality of life than most Egyptians. In truth there is literally no evidence they were slaves outside of the story of Moses.
While I can agree with the 4K argument a bit for the hosting is expensive part, I do think it goes way beyond that or long videos. Youtube exists on a scale most don’t even realize. Tens of millions of people upload content every day. We’re talking thousands of hours worth of video every day.
Not to excuse YouTube for a lot of dumb decisions they made, but even on their best day the site just breaks even due to the cost of hosting.
If we had ranked voting or a true multi-party system it would be fine.
But we don’t. By all means, vote for a constitutional ammendment to make that happen, but don’t ignore that doing it in the current system usually leaves us with the greater evil being the last one left standing.
Do the Evolution by Pearl Jam is definitely the most impressive that I’ve seen.
The latter really wouldn’t surprise me. A service could be making four times the investment in profit and many investors will still push to get a few more cents out of it at any cost.
I don’t think he’s saying it because he believes this senator is actually helping communists. Rather it’s just a way to put political pressure on him. It’s the military branding him as someone weakening America and helping its enemies to his voters, and telling other Republicans that that is how they’ll also be viewed.
The main thing is simply being steady. You can get used to, and ignore a lower frame rate as long as it’s not jumping up and down.
I mean, yeah, if you aren’t into the core elements of a game you probably won’t be interested in the game. It’s like say, “I’m not impressed with the new Mario game. I don’t want to do platforming, and I don’t care about powerups or collecting things.”
Even beyond the obvious issue, boys being forced to have short hair is just sexist as hell.