Haven’t read these in years. Good lord, Girl’s hair stylization is getting out of control.
Haven’t read these in years. Good lord, Girl’s hair stylization is getting out of control.
It’s a pretty standard take on the commie side that stuff like colonialism and American slavery are pretty much the capitalist equivalent of the communist mass deaths, so I think their position is that everyone’s a hypocrite who has to support a government committing some kind of mass murder (in the modern day, America’s mass murder in this lens is its alliance with Israel). Since Americans won’t admit their government’s atrocities (even though a lot of them do call out the US, but that’s not how they see it), why should they admit the atrocities of the USSR?
Yes, that’s what they’re saying.
Well you already know how to find this place, so find a Linux-themed instance and either ask your question or better yet post a “guide” telling people to resolve your problem by doing some wrong method you’ve already tried so that someone else calls you an idiot and posts the correct answer out of spite.
As somebody with a System76 laptop, I’m feeling personally attacked.
Her real problem is actually a little different. If she introduces a motion to oust, the Democrats will just vote against it this time. They ousted McCarthy because he went and betrayed them plus threw them under the bus, so they had no reason not to hope for a different speaker. Johnson kept his end of the bargain and doesn’t go out of his way to fuck them over, so they have no reason not to reward him and keep him in power. Thus, if she introduces a motion to vacate, she and a couple other crazies vote for it and the whole rest of the House votes against it, revealing her to be even more of a joke than she’s already become.
It’s stuff like this that makes it clear that modern scholarship is increasingly sloppy and childish.
“Super Smash Bros.” should be italicized or at the very least in quotation marks.